Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,48

and she had only met you once at the party. I believed them over my gut. But that’s not happening again.” I turned to my sister. “I’m sorry, Laura, I know you worked hard to help me, but I don’t think I can work here anymore.”

Laura reached out, grabbing my arm as I turned away. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll do what I always do, find an hourly job to pay the bills. If I have to work two or three jobs, I will.” I glanced over at Monty. “Because it’s better than working here.”

Laura released my arm, and I glanced around until I saw a stairwell sign. Moving away from them, I followed the arrow until I found the door to the stairwell.

It was an old staircase with wooden stairs, but the enclosed space was humid due to no ventilation.

I made it down a few stairs before I heard the door open behind me. There at the top was Monty.

“Are you following me, or are you afraid of that elevator, too?”


I stopped at the landing between the floors, wiped my brow of sweat, and turned to face him as he made his way down.

“There’s no point in following me. You’re leaving for the West Coast. I’ve made it quite clear I never want to see you again. I don’t know what’s left to say.”

My arms folded, readying myself for our last goodbye. He may have been strange, but a part of me liked him. He took a chance on me with the job, letting me talk to Hamish on the phone during my interview when he didn’t have to.

I guess that was what was so confusing. If he only wanted to play Superman with me, then why take a risk like that? And at meetings, why would he ask for my opinion?

And that confusion was tearing at my heart. I wanted to believe he was a good man, that he wanted me for me, not because it would up his ego.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, and I felt that spark from his touch. That damn electricity that no man had ever created in my body, not until Monty came into my life.

I hated to say goodbye to it, to him, but I wasn’t about to risk being with a man who only wanted to use me.

“I know you don’t want to see me anymore, and I don’t blame you. If I had been honest from the beginning, all the hurt and confusion would have never happened. That’s my fault. And I’m working to change that.”

“Yes, being honest that you have a hero complex would have been helpful. But I guess admitting it is a big step.”

I didn’t know much about the psychology around that issue, but I knew talking about it was a step forward.

He chuckled, shaking his head. “No, I don’t have a hero complex. If anyone has that problem, it would be Rock, and even I don’t think he’s that bad.”

“Then what are you talking about?”

He took a deep breath and said, “I’m Nathan’s father.”

Chapter 21


“YOU’RE INSANE.” I PUSHED his hands away and turned toward the stairs leading down.

“I swear it’s true, Julia.”

I wasn’t about to stick around to hear his delusional ramblings. I heard his footsteps running after me.

I stopped on the last step before another landing and turned to him. “Okay, if you’re the father, then does he have a birthmark on his arm or thigh?”

He threw his hands up. “How am I supposed to know that? When I saw him two weeks ago, he was bundled up in blankets.”

Monty was right, but it still didn’t make him any less insane.

I moved to a door and quickly opened it, not bothering to look back. No way I was losing time by checking how close he was.

When I left the stairs, I noticed I was near his office. The last place he would look for me was in his office. He would assume I wouldn’t go there, but he’d be wrong. As I turned into his office, I checked to see if he had followed me.

Nope. I heard him call my name, but he didn’t know where I was.

Looking around, I ran around his desk and was about to go into the bathroom, but I heard footsteps outside the door. I dove under his desk and tried to be as still as possible.

Desperately, I held my breath as I heard the door close, but it was difficult as I took small gasps of Copyright 2016 - 2024