Supernatural Villain (Supernatural Captivity #3) - Avery Song Page 0,53

Faith. We carry a unique bond due to our marriage and bonded connection, but the distance between realms makes it extremely exhausting to have a longer conversation than the standard check-ins."

"Does that mean you two still love each other?" I inquired. From the attention I was getting from the others, I could only assume they thought it was a peculiar question for me to ask. It was something I was sure Cass would be requesting, and that was exactly why I was asking it.

"My devotion to Faith is everlasting," he replied without a speck of doubt. "She's the woman I've always pictured being with for all my supernatural years. We may have a strain on our connection because of the years of heartache and distance, but I know that she still loves me just as I still love her. Getting rid of Wilfried is our priority now, as well as revealing the truth to the world. It would not only clear her name currently but would prove the utmost strength she's displayed over the years without a hint of acknowledgment from those who overlooked what was truly occurring in the shadows."

"Do you think you'll be able to fix your broken family then?" It was Omarion who asked the personal question.

"It's not my role to fix it," King Wyatt admitted. It seemed like an irrational answer, but he soon elaborated. "Cassandra is the one who will be able to bring this family together. My relationship with Constantine has been severed due to Wilfried. Constantine's relationship with Faith is thin due to their inability to communicate. Castalia and Constantine don't get along and I don't know the details of why other than what I've been told from Faith. When you look at all the possibilities, Cassandra is the only one who connects to all of us. No matter if she hasn't met Constantine yet, I have a strong feeling she'll have a better chance getting through to him than anyone within our bloodline. Therefore, it's not my role to fix what's been broken through malicious circumstances, but it is my duty to ensure Cassandra and all those who wish to aid her on this new quest are well protected and supported. With my close relations to the fae kingdoms, we could potentially turn this potential race war against Wilfried and those who wish to proceed with the Great Summoning."

"Is Widow dead?" I had to ask the sudden question as it was triggered by the mention of those who wished to proceed with the summoning.

"Yes," Omarion replied. "One less snake to deal with."

"What do we do now?" Tristian questioned. "We have somewhat of a plan of what needs to be done, but that's going to require at least the majority of us."

"Someone has to stay here with Cassandra."

"Me," Omarion replied, but King Wyatt shook his head.

"You're needed, Omarion."


"You have to secure the three stones of these lands. It wouldn't be necessary for normal circumstances. However, with Cassandra being unconscious and recovering from the rejuvenation of the land, they're low on energy. One crystal is derived from fae energy and needs a fae to boost it. That role will go to Dominik. The second needs dragon energy. That's exactly why I need Omarion. The third one needs human blood, which we don't have, but I'm sure a certain vampire can solve that issue," he explained and looked over to my brother.

His pouting frown made me smirk as I began to realize this rather intriguing development. "And you need someone to start molding the solid story, backgrounds, and resources to initiate our operation by morning," I voiced and looked over to Tristian, who blinked.

"Wait a minute," he began and narrowed his eyes at me. "You're just trying to get away with being alone with Cassandra!"

"Was that supposed to be a secret?" I inquired with a smug grin. "Guess my hidden plans have been exposed. What a shame," I dramatically sighed.

"Fucker," Otis muttered under his breath, which made me chuckle mischievously. "The benefit of being an incubus with no role other than to comfort our woman."

"I'll get payback," Otis quietly vowed.

"I'm sure you will, but I won't care," I casually replied. I really didn't because if our sleeping beauty woke up in a few short hours, I'd have more than enough time to do what I've been fighting hard to resist.

Would she be up for it? Hmm.

"You better not dare fuck her when we're gone," Otis snarled.

I'd never do such a thing when our Sweet Beloved Copyright 2016 - 2024