Supernatural Villain (Supernatural Captivity #3) - Avery Song Page 0,18

deal with. Our destination isn't far so prepare your mind for what we need to do once we arrive. There should be instructions."

"Instructions to claim the land, correct?" I clarified.

"Yes," he replied as we began to walk once more. "I'll explain more when we arrive."

That told me we had to be careful of anyone listening to our conversation. With our new status as villains to the manipulated world, anyone could turn against us, which included the creatures of the land who could be observed on the sidelines.

I didn't sense any threat as we got deeper into the desolate lands, and it was becoming pretty obvious why this place was rather off-limits to the rest of the world. The area alone had a venomous aura to it, and I could imagine anyone entering would do so at their own risk, for this place wouldn't be easy to escape from.

The fog was thick as we ventured further, and if it wasn't for me holding onto Omarion's hand, I was sure I wouldn't be able to see what was a step ahead of me. I was impressed he was managing just fine, navigating us through the thick leafy paths until we arrived before a large, rusted gated.

As I stood at Omarion's side, he hooked an arm over my shoulder before he reached out to a doorbell. I expected it to not work, but the dull echoing of a ring boomed around us, making whatever creatures hid in the trees nearby screech and fly away in haste.

Not frightening at all.

When there was no response, we remained silent, until the door made a loud noise as whatever lock was turned, forcing the door to creak open.

Without delay, we slipped through the open space and headed down the gravel path.

Let’s face our destiny.


Unlock The Throne Of Salvation

The mist was just as thick as outside the gates, but as we walked closer, the temperature dropped to an all-time low, until my teeth were chattering.

Quil-Zu? Is there any way to heighten our temperature?

"I've done so awhile ago, my dear. The chill is to push away what dares to enter. Endure the frost, for things will heat up with what's asked of us."

Quil-Zu's words definitely intrigued me, but there was no time to ponder further on it for we came to a dramatic stop, like we were about to walk into a wall.


"There's a trap ahead," he reasoned and looked deep in thought for a moment. I could only assume he was speaking with Vladimir as to what we'd do next.

He was going to say something but a voice boomed around us.

"LEAVE! You are not worthy of such lands." The deep voice was male, thick with vibrating power that tried to leave me trembling, but I forced myself to stay still.

"We seek safe haven," Omarion announced loud and clear. "From those who wish to not see us together and prosper."

"What makes you worthy?"

"I am a dragon god," Omarion said with affirmation. "My queen is of dual blood. Fae and dragon."

"A hybrid of what accordance?" His question seemed odd and yet Omarion deciphered it.

"Princess Cassandra Cyldrirth, being of fae and dragon. She was blocked from becoming who she was destined to be, but she's broken through such shackles. However, that has invited great consequence, and now we ask for safety."

"Safety in forsaken lands. Do you not grasp how many have lost their lives upon these grounds? Awakening these lands will put your queen on a pedestal of trouble. She will be entitled to these lands and the power harbored within them, but with power comes sacrifice, and she will endure the pain of those who perished here. She does not have what it takes to survive such consequences. Be gone."

"You've yet to test me, but I'm already judged and discarded," I voiced, which seemed to surprise Omarion as he looked over at me. My expression was blank as I looked forward.

"I'm of royal blood of two supernatural races. I seek land for my kingdom and those who wish to follow my ruling. Our world is in turmoil thanks to the greed of Wilfried Cyldrirth, the twin brother of my real father. Does that name ring a bell at all?"

"Wilfried." The voice said the single name in utter disgust. "You are not his child?"

"No. He deceitfully claimed ownership of such ranks to manipulate the world and place a shadow upon my real father. I'm wise enough to know the truth and am seeking a place of safety to conduct what needs Copyright 2016 - 2024