Supernatural Villain (Supernatural Captivity #3) - Avery Song Page 0,16

a nod of respect before he turned back to prepare to leave as we made our way out of the black vehicle. A wave of fog was already beginning to settle in this place, giving creepy, abandoned vibes as the sun continued to descend in the sky.

Once we were out and the doors of the car closed, the car began to reverse, until it was gone from our sight.

"Who was that driver?" I inquired. "Is he a supernatural?"

"He's one of my servants."

"Huh?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"You think a dragon god like myself wouldn't have followers?" he inquired with a mischievous smile.

"Well, you were working as a prison guard in that grim shithole so it's hard to believe you have servants," I honestly admitted.

"Can't judge a person by their job," he teased and offered his hand. I reached out to place mine in his, and the two of us began to walk further into the mysterious forest.

"Hard to do when you tried to make my life a living hell," I huffed.

"I did no such thing," he argued.

"Are we going to forget the elevator incident?"

"But did you die?"

"You’re just asking for no sex for a year, aren't you?"

"I apologize for all the sins I've committed."

I snickered and covered my mouth to try not to laugh, and he paused to look at me as I ended up giggling.

"Men and sex. You guys are all the same."

"It's hard to not show affection to someone you genuinely like," he whispered. He caught my attention, and I watched as he reached over to press his hand against my cheek.

I closed my eyes at the touch before I mumbled, "Do you believe we would have met in other circumstances?"

"If you want my honest opinion, I doubt we would have crossed paths if you hadn't been kidnapped and thrown into supernatural prison," he revealed. "This world, the Universe itself, has everything all planned out. Even if we're mated lovers, it doesn't guarantee that we'd find each other. Maybe we would have, but it would have been years later, and that would depend on whether you survived and unlocked your supernatural powers."

"As a god, aren't you lonely?"

"Before I met you and the others...not really? I don't know. As a god, there comes a moment when you do everything you possibly want because you can," he began and let go of my hand to take off his long red coat. "I did everything I wished to achieve. Met people, partied, traveled the world of humans and the supernatural realms. As a god, I've learned a lot. Far more than other gods. I guess I became a bit weak because I toned myself down to fit among the humans and supernaturals of this plane. When you see a supernatural god, you can tell right away. However, that makes it almost impossible to meet people or blend in. Years of training brought me down to this and I was able to experience life. I never felt the gripping need to be in a relationship. Women threw themselves at me, so if I needed sexual pleasure, I could easily grasp it without trying. I guess it's why it didn't seem very special to me. Commitment and such. Without that urge, I wasn't necessarily lonely, but it's like carrying that sensation that something is missing."

"Does Vladimir feel the same?" I inquired. I hadn't seen his dragon side for a while, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the shift in my personality or the looming problem we were trying to deal with before anything else.

"Vladimir and I are on the same wavelength about this," he admitted. "If you're wondering why he hasn't shown up in a bit, he's in a state of anger that isn't beneficial for anyone, so I'm keeping him on the down-low."

"State of anger?" I calmly asked. "I can see the reasoning, but at the same time, why does it matter?"

He was going to respond but like a switch, Vladimir was in control. His spheres of red with hues of gold flooded to life and gave me murderous vibes.

As scary as they appeared with their intensity centered upon me, I remained grounded while I calmly looked back at him. Omarion was definitely right. Vladimir’s anger was intense and he hadn't said a single word, let alone moved a finger.

Instead of saying anything, I simply took a step forward, my body pressing against his as I closed my eyes and let my shoulders relax. He remained stiff at Copyright 2016 - 2024