Supernatural Villain (Supernatural Captivity #3) - Avery Song Page 0,107

love, even though she had a life committed to four others who adored her in their own unique ways. I was given a chance most gods begged to experience.

Would I be able to protect this love and the woman I've slowly come to adore?

Reaching the patch of grass that landed me before my queen seemed like a journey in itself as I took in her face of peace while her breathing was slow and steady.

The kingdom she'd saved from internal frost and devastation was partying the remaining strands of night away while their queen was hiding from it all to just get a few moments of rest.

Knowing Cassandra, she'd be ready to train and prepare for the approaching battle ahead, but I'd have to ensure she got the rest she wholeheartedly deserved.

To be pampered as a radiant diamond on display for the world to see.

My hand couldn't ignore the itch to feel her warmth as I lifted it up to lightly touch her cheek. I assumed the brief brush wouldn't disturb her from her slumber, but she scrunched her nose, which made those soft lips pout for a moment before her heavy eyes lifted up slightly to investigate the culprit who destroyed her blissful moment of slumber.

It took her a few seconds to acknowledge me with those jeweled eyes, and my heart seemed to melt at the way her lips lifted slightly in the perfect smirk as she muttered, "Omarion."

How could a woman grasp my heart without even trying? I'd gone on my knee and dedicated my utmost loyalty to this woman and hadn't realized how she'd sneakily captured my heart and threw away the key with her pure radiance of strength.

"Good morning, my queen," I whispered with a quirk of the corners of my lips. "May I ask why you're hiding here?"

"Hiding..." she started as if she was actually going to ponder my question, only for her to begin to drift back to sleep.

"How can she be cute like that?" Vladimir actually sounded annoyed, as if it were truly a sin for Cassandra to look so adorable by just falling asleep.

You're asking me?

I decided to brush her cheek again, and her eyes opened once again though they only reached halfway.


"Cassandra," I whispered. "The party is still going on."

"So sleepy," she admitted with a face that gave off sad vibes while looking confused at the same time.

"Want to go to bed?"

She seemed to think about it as her eyes began to close. " coming too?"

This woman...

"Do you want me to come along?"

I wasn't sure she was going to answer seeing as she looked like she was about to fall asleep once again, but she muttered the answer that made my cold heart flutter.


I didn't fight my smile, knowing she wouldn't see it as I slowly worked on scooping her right into my arms. The relief such a sight brought me to see her back to her previous weight only added to my growing satisfaction as I’d thought of the best way to make it up to her after doing what I had back at Psychic Prison.

I'd love her regardless of her size, but the obvious difference and appreciation she carried for herself were visible in the spiked confidence.

It didn't take long before I was back in the master bedroom and lowering her onto the bed. After I locked the door to make sure no one disturbed us, I began to help her slip out of the lavish dress that had far too much material.

How she walked with so many layers of fabric like it weighed nothing was beyond my male mentality, but at least that chapter was closed and all was well.

All must be well if we want to enjoy a future of blissful tranquility.

Tapping on her crown three times made the royal piece of jewelry fade away - a secret tactic only royals knew about. As a god and royal, I knew of many secrets that had surely faded away through the grapevine of lost communication.

It wasn't until I completely stripped out of my attire and only wore my boxers that I noticed Cassandra's movement as she turned to her side and opened her eyes just slightly to peer at me from head to toe.

She didn't say anything, but lightly patted the empty side of the bed. The action made me smirk as I summoned the flames to dissolve in the lanterns that kept the room lit.

In moments, I was beneath the thick blanket, my arms wrapping around Cassandra Copyright 2016 - 2024