Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,94

was old enough to listen to us and our constant warnings. He disobeyed and that landed him in the captivity neither of us can save him from. Cassandra has a chance. We can give her parents who will ensure she gets a normal human life. That she'll grow up as a strong, confident woman and not be threatened by the very people who should protect her."

"They threaten us with the possibilities because none has ever had borne a dragon fae, Will. They've never seen one with a dragon heart like hers who is blessed with fae magic from the outer worlds. You know how they frown upon hybrids."

"We didn't plan any of this. You didn't know you were even pregnant until days before you were due."

"The curse of being fae with magic to maintain your looks and divine perfection." Faith sighed. "Look how beautiful she is. So sweet and pure. She'll be strong-willed and never want to give up, like her Papa, while carrying my beauty and willingness to love — once she gets over her fear of loving others."

"Why you fear to love is beyond me."

"If I didn't, you wouldn't have a chance of marrying me, Sir Wilfried."

"If we do this, it'll be a while until we see one another."

"Sadly," Faith whispered. "But I must fix what is going on in the fae realms, just as you have to ensure your den remains safe. You've heard the rumors. Dragons are dying. You can't endure another crisis or risk of extinction. This is the time for the supernaturals to rise, but we know that the unique are isolated in the hidden prisons across the world, and those that are more common walk among the humans, attempting to hide just how powerful we've become. It's only a matter of time before the humans discover the truth, and once those supernaturals get tired of living in captivity, they'll rise to the surface and let the world know of their existence. Who knows when that will be, but it will happen, Will."

"All we can hope is that Cassandra avoids such a fate."

"What if she doesn't?" Faith quietly asked. "What if they find out who she is? Or better yet, what if she finds out who she is?"

"Regardless of who finds out..." He let out a heavy sigh. "When that time comes, either our princess will rise and claim her heritage, or she'll fall as a human. Her future will be out of our hands the moment we give her to the Thorns, but if she can reclaim herself, the burning flame and faery magic that course through her veins will help her come home."

"If she does return home, what will we say?"

"It doesn't matter," Wilfried declared. "We'll accept her as our princess, and it'll be her choice to learn more of our worlds. Until then, all we can pray is that she lives the best life the universe can give, and when it's her time to do her part in this vast world, that the hurdles that come her way be kind."

"May she be surrounded by those who love and adore her. I pray she knows just how special she is."

"Our beautiful princess."

"Or sweet Cassandra."

"Universe. Protect the Princess of Cyldrirth," Wilfried affirmed.

"Let her fae roots grow peacefully within her as the magic embedded beneath her skin sleeps peacefully."

"Let the flames of her dragon hide deep within her heart. Until she finds one who makes that very flame ignite and spread. May she be strong, stubborn, and confident in who she is, and if she becomes lost within herself, help her remember the two people in this world that loved her first. Let her recall our voices, and that there is a home for her when she's unsure of her path in life."

"We love you, Cassandra, our precious daughter."

"Forgive us for giving you a better life."

"Forgive us for not bringing you into a better world.

"Forgive us."

Why must I lose one thing to achieve another?

The sole thought repeated itself, a cycle of regrets as I drifted deeper into the dark waters.

No more glimpse of light that shone when I first opened my eyes every morning.

No more words of gratitude for another day of living.

No more smiles and laughter with the people I loved.

No more kisses of passion that ignited a warmth and made me wish for more.

At the chance of being human, I lost everything that mattered.

All because I couldn't have both.

I should have been proud of my decision, but as my lungs filled with Copyright 2016 - 2024