Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,70

his eyes grow even more captivating as his cheeks blushed slightly. His hands grazed my cheeks, the warmth of his touch making me close my eyes as I let the shivers his touch incited run through me.

How could one touch somehow light me up? Give me purpose and a sense of commitment to something I knew nothing about?

This place. His presence. Everything felt so real. So right.

Why couldn't this be my life? To live in the forest of tranquility and be surrounded by nature itself? In the deepest parts of my soul, I knew this was the place I belonged. That I deserved to have a forest of my own and this man could give me the destiny I craved.

Another side of me, the part of the reason, reminded me of other commitments. That this wasn't my only love and passion, but it was so far in the back of my mind, I couldn't grasp it long enough to fully acknowledge its worth.

"Princess Cassandra."

The smoothness in his rich, deep voice made my stomach flip in longing and made me want to kiss this familiar stranger. Why couldn't I grasp more than just his name? I longed to know more of this perfect being and this world.

My eyes opened at his calling, my gaze meeting his once more.

"You missed me so much you came to visit me here? Or was it my desire to be around you?" His playful words confused me, and the chuckle that followed made me wish to hear it again and again, while I continued to appreciate his serene beauty.

"I...know you," I acknowledged, still afraid to speak his name without permission. His eyes softened; the loving gaze he was bestowing on me made me want to melt in his arms and do anything he asked.

"You do, my Princess," he revealed. "Can you say my name?"

I smiled, happy he'd given me the permission I'd desperately wanted.

"Dominick," I said with conviction, and he rewarded me with a bigger smile before he lowered his head, our noses touching ever so slightly.

"Do you remember anything else?"

"No?" I said it as a question, hoping he'd be able to enlighten me. I wished to know everything about him. To learn about this world and why it resonated down to my soul.

"That's good." His approval left me confused.

"Cassandra," he said my name again, making forget what the original fuss was about. His lips were so close to mine, and I longed to kiss him.

In this place, it felt like he was in complete control, and it was my role to submit to his very being. Unless he told me what to do, I'd remain as I was.

My confidence in him was uncalled for, but I respected every part of me that told me to obey.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

"Yes." My voice was but a whisper, weak, yet so full of desire it sounded completely foreign to me. I'd never craved something like this simple kiss, but now that was all I could think of.

His soft lips against mine. Letting the ripple of emotions that only he ignited consume me.

His lips were now my oxygen, and my desperation only grew the longer he made me wait.

His satisfied grin made the gold in his eyes glow vividly, and before I could get lost in those, he closed the distance.

The single kiss brought a burst of energy. Longing, desire, love, passion. How could it feel as though I'd known this man my whole life, and we were now finally seeing each other? Had distance pulled us away? Had the Universe brought us here to rekindle such intense passion?

In the wilderness that felt like home, to have his tender lips moving against mine was a dream come true.

I'd wanted this, begged for this love, but I was weak, afraid, and worried I'd ruin it all. Whatever my past was, in the realm of this serenity, I could have what I wanted, and it was him.

All I want at this very moment is Dominick.

Our kiss deepened, and I let him take the lead. He deserved to control where this went, and I'd follow him to the very end. We went from standing in the middle of the clearing to lying in a soft patch of grass, and my body was pulsating with pleasure.

His kisses had some sort of magic, because they captivated my mouth and ignited a sensation of hands trailing down the sides of my body from my ribs to my hips, like vines doing all Copyright 2016 - 2024