Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,53

he tried to take it away from me. Not like I could spell whatever I'd been envisioning.

I couldn't even recall what was on my plate now.

"Do you want me to kick you off the bed?" Omarion groaned impatiently. "Wake up, Cass."

My head lifted, looking over to see Omarion's face inches from mine. We just stared at one another, my eyes adjusting to the dim light and then lowering my gaze down his half-naked body.

Goodness, Omarion was ripped!

There was no doubt that he was fit and all, but he had to work out at least four times a day to have those rock-hard abs and muscled pecs that looked delicious with his light chocolate skin.

"Eyes up here, Cassandra," Omarion muttered, but he didn't sound upset at all.

Actually, he sounded delighted.

Doing as he requested, I met his eyes and pouted. "Go be naked elsewhere."

"I'm wearing pants."

"Go tease someone else," I groaned and lay back down. "I'm hungry."

"I brought you a snack."

"If it's you, I don't want it. You've been gone forever."

"Are you upset I've been working?"

"Working, not working, you haven't been here. Boring."

"You're still half asleep, aren't you?"

"Don't know." I was actually beginning to doze off once again, but the firm shake on my shoulder woke me up once more.


"I don't want to wake up," I whined.

"You said you were hungry."

"I'm sleepy, hungry, lonely. If you can't fix all three of them then go away," I impatiently mumbled. I could have left out the comment about being lonely, but my filter never worked when I was half asleep.

The guys always joked about that.

'Wait till Cass falls asleep and then ask her 21 questions. You'll get the truth each time.' Hmph. Mean. I miss them. Why can't they be here with me?

"Cassandra Thorn. Get the fuck up or I'll lift you up and spank you."

The cold whisper in my ear had me sitting right up, the blanket that was covering me falling to my lap.

"Don't go threaten me with your kinky stuff!" I huffed, hoping my anger would be the perfect front to hide how red my face must have been. I would not dare admit that his cold whisper made me hot all over.

It flicked on a flame inside me and only made me think of naughty stuff.

That also could have been my sexual drive cranking into gear, my pussy clenching to be filled.

I wished I'd gone on Tinder and found a random fling to fuck with before this whole kidnapping thing. Would have helped tame my desires. Now if I could get a day alone in the showers, that would satisfy me for a month or two.

Better than all this teasing.

"I'm kinky but you're displaying your breasts to the world? Women. I don't understand any of you," Omarion huffed, his eyes locked on my chest like it was a target.

I followed his gaze, mentally cursing at my forgetfulness.

I'd ended up hand-washing my prison attire because some woman bumped into me and spilled milk all over. Thankfully Alisha and Ivy had already left, and the prisoner was actually sorry for bumping into me, or I'm sure it would have caused some ruckus.

Grabbing the beige sheet, I brought it up to cover myself before grabbing my pillow and throwing it into his face.

"Then tell me I'm naked instead of staring!"

"How the hell would I know?" he huffed and caught the pillow as it began to fall to the ground. "Can you decide what mood you're in instead of exhibiting five different temperaments in less than a minute? Jeez."

"Why are you even here?" I huffed. "What time is it?"

"Two in the morning."

"Why do you disturb my slumber?!" I used a low grumbling voice to emphasize my point.

"If you're trying to imitate a dragon, that was horrid," he commented.

One of my eyebrows arched up, and he rolled his eyes. "Your cellmate is here."

That was the cold water I needed to ruin my night, morning, and the rest of the week.

"Before you go getting so devastated, it's not that bad. You'll get along with her."

"You don't know that." I clung to the sheets and ran one hand in my hair to try and tame the mess of tangles. "And I look horrible."

"You're fine," he muttered. "Hotter when you're half-asleep."

"Pedophile," I mumbled.

"You're not underage."

"You're older than me."

"I'm within the five-year range. Older guys are better, anyway."

"Says who?"

"Everyone. Even you when you're mumbling nonsense to make conversation during the morning walks to the showers."

"How do you know that?"

"Just because you don't see me, doesn't mean I'm not working."

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