Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,5

here in NYC. Even though it was a multi-billion-dollar company that donated globally to both humans and supernaturals alike, he still went in to the office to personally make sure everything went smoothly.

Heck, sometimes he even helps take blood from volunteers.

He was an attractive beast with unblemished pale skin that made his purple eyes pop, except for the rare occasions that his eyes turned striking red, and ninety-five percent of the volunteer blood donors were women.

Not to forget that Model Companion Collab Otis and Dominick did on Valentine's Day that broke donation records across the world.

He may have been an ass, but he had a big heart, and that was all that mattered.

My four bros were impeccable supernaturals in society, and I was,

Cassandra Thorn. Just turned twenty; 5’7” with a small waist but one inch gained on the thighs and hips. Unemployed human with a sassy attitude, a lip that wouldn't shut up even when I needed it to, and top-notch sarcasm.

Don't get me wrong, though, I had some good qualities aside from my BTS diagnosis.

I had a knack for kickboxing or anything athletic, really. I could eat like no other girl, beating the record at the latest Japanese restaurant competition and earning all of us a free dinner pass for next year. I was good at drawing symbols, but anything more than that was asking too much. And I could sleep through wars.

Did I mention I was incoherent as fuck when I was half asleep? Wait...not a good quality.

Despite all my amazing positives, I had very few job qualifications, and even though I got into the supernatural university the guys went to for fast-paced studies, I still couldn't find a job I liked.

Now that Tristan had lined up a job interview with one of the best secret op agencies in the world, I was soon to be the only one in the group without employment.

It would only be a matter of time before things got boring. I had a hint of ADHD, so the whole staying home and doing nothing all day long wasn't going to last me long before I went insane.

No one wants to deal with insane Cassandra. She's bad. Believe me.

That left me with very few options, but in Princess Cass style, I'd shove them to the side and worry about them tomorrow.

It wasn't like I desperately need money. Having a rich guardian to look after you meant getting a weekly allowance that was far too much for the average human.

For a supernatural though, it's probably pennies — or should I say five cents, seeing as they got rid of those coins. Were too human for the supernatural government.

It was only a matter of time before hundred-dollar bills became the new ten dollars.

Most supernaturals were rich, and those who weren't had either lost the chance by committing a crime or had sided with the humans during the first wave of changes.

It wasn't necessarily hard to earn money, but it was easy to lose it all.

Like by buying lingerie every week, for instance.

"I know I love looking at myself when I'm not having a pimple party on my face, but how long are you gonna stare at the mirror for, Cass?"

Slowly turning my head back to look at the seduction god of an incubus, I stuck my tongue out. "Did you know if you stare at yourself every day, you can change your perception of yourself? I'm doing that. It's part of my ritual."

"If you think that's what's going to get you a plump ass, go back to the squat challenge," Adonis concluded. "At least I can watch how low you can go."

"Pervert," I grumbled under my breath. "Let me try the other sets."

"No one's stopping you," he practically hummed. I had to shiver off the tingling sensations that ran up my body and reminded me that I was a girl and not immune to his gift of seduction.

"Hold that musical tongue of yours," I grumbled but went right back to changing.

After trying the other two sets that weren't my style, I was wearing the last set when I overheard some girls squealing.

"Ah! Isn't that Adonis in the VIP waiting section?!"

"Oh goodness, yes! His voice is so amazing. I have every single track. You wouldn't believe how epic my sex life has been with his music playing in the background."

"Seriously? Those rumors are legit?"

"Yes! Hands down the best thing you can add to your relationship! You can have pizza delivery and play it in the background Copyright 2016 - 2024