Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,49

out. "It took me a good week to get used to it, but then again, I have Vix for that. I’ve got no clue what supernatural she is." She glanced at me. "Actually, what's your name? I don't think you told me."

"Cassandra Thorn," I announced. "Sorry for my lack of manners."

"No worries." Ivy smiled. "We were deep in conversation about life being a bitch and us not following our instincts.”

"Cassandra. Missing one?" Alisha inquired.


"Not surprised." Alisha shrugged. "Waltzed into an Uber, found yourself witnessing a double murder, dropped into the ocean, and survived that venom shit. Could have had it worse."

Her explanation of the very circumstances that led me here had me gawking in shock. Ivy, on the other hand, giggled and sighed.

"Don't be too surprised with Alisha. She does and says the craziest things."

"B-but that's exactly what happened," I argued.

"I know." Ivy grinned, and the mischievous glint of her eyes sent shivers through me. "I sometimes wonder if this prison was named after her. She's psychic."

"She can read minds?"

"Yours, mine, the guard over there trembling and about to pee his pants. She can also shatter your brain so you're useless, but that's only if she's angry."

My fear must have been obvious since Ivy continued.

"She only does that to people she hates. You're safe."

"I'm not sure if that makes me feel any better," I noted.

Just then, the prisoner was back with two more trays of food, laying them down in front of of us and taking the tops off to reveal the rich food.

"Two more trays of food, same dish and dessert with no real silver cutlery. Would you like any water, wine, or champagne?"

"Water is fine. I have to be sober for later. Make sure those other choices are chilled in case I request them in the night. Also, ensure my lingerie is clean and spread out. Four options."

"Yes, your majesty. I'll get that done right away."

The woman was back in seconds with a jug of ice-cold water, placing it in the middle of the table and giving each of us a glass.

It was truly the sight to see when everyone else was watching the entire thing unfold without a word.

The person scurried away, and Alisha prepared to eat. "Eat while it's hot. Tastes best," Alisha encouraged, beginning to cut through her steak.

Ivy and I exchanged looks. Neither of us was going to complain about this fine meal. This looked to be the best meal I'd had since the night at the restaurant with my men, and I was going to enjoy every bit of it instead of the cold soup and remains on my second tray.

The first bite of the savory steak almost made me moan at how perfectly flavorful it was, and that only carried through when I took a taste of the mashed potatoes and vegetables.

None of us spoke until every speck of food was finished and our jug of water was empty. I hadn't felt so full since I'd arrived here.

"I've never enjoyed something as amazing as this," Ivy whispered. Her voice was thick of emotion, and I worried she'd actually shed tears. I didn't blame her since meals like this in our circumstances felt like opening gifts on Christmas morning.

We didn't deserve this level of kindness, but Alisha was the reason we got to enjoy the satisfying meal.

"Thank you, Alisha," I genuinely whispered. She nodded, looking content at our praise before she looked at Ivy.

"You've never eaten steak before?"

"Homelessness doesn't grant you such luxuries," Ivy said with a sad smile, but composed herself. "Eating with you guys isn't bad. We should do it once a week."

Alisha didn't answer immediately, but there was a rare lift at the corner of her lips. "Feasible. My masters want me to work on my social skills."

Masters. That guy did say Level Three supernaturals can be bought by higher-ranked ones.

"I'd like that," I admitted. "Kinda lonely. I'm used to being around people. It's how I usually stay out of trouble."

"If you think you're going to avoid trouble around us, I highly doubt it," Alisha commented. "You won't be here for long, though."

"I...won't?" I questioned.

"You're going to be the one to help all of us escape from our shackles." Alisha's voice was so low, I was surprised I heard it. "Like a domino effect. Your freedom may be temporary, but if you return, it won't be by force."

Her soft words held a sense of hope, her eyes gazing far away. I couldn't imagine myself returning here of my own accord, Copyright 2016 - 2024