Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,25

I have hope that you can accomplish anything."

"Except kicking your ass," I grumbled.

He laughed. "You can when you go all BTS on us. Jeez, they should put you in the next Dragon Ball Galaxy show."

"F. you!" I huffed.

"Oh. You swore. I'm telling," he teased.

"I'm old enough! Now get away from me so I can practice," I groaned.

"That's the spirit," he praised.

* * *

My eyes opened up, greeted by the darkness once more, but this time I envisioned Dominick at the top, cheering me on like he always did during my swimming lessons four years ago.

I'd reached the bottom of the ocean, but it didn't scare me anymore. I wanted to live. I had to get back to them. I'd made that silent vow at the beginning of this fiasco and I had to give it my all.

Squatting down, I readied myself to kick my feet and work my way to the top. With my eyes locked onto the surface, I pushed off and began the journey.

The heaviness of my body tried to drag me down, while my lungs burned for oxygen. I zoned it all out, continuing to envision Dominick at the top, with his hands on his hips, bobbing his head in approval as he smiled proudly at how far I’d come. I could see the others: Tristan cheering as he grinned from ear to ear; Adonis and his smooth smile as he gave me a thumbs-up in encouragement; Otis with his usual scowl, but his eyes showing his pride in me.

I worked and worked, and at some point, my body grew hot like it was summer and the water wasn't freezing. My right arm in particular burned the most, from my shoulder to my elbow like I'd smashed it into something steaming hot.

Regardless of the uncomfortable heat, it felt like my body was growing stronger. My confidence shot up and even with my hands cuffed, I wouldn't be stopped.

The thought made me raise them and for a second I stopped midway in my swim to the top. I didn't begin to descend. In fact, I stayed right in place, time frozen just for me as I stared at the handcuffs in disgust.

They were preventing me from achieving my goals.

They were stopping me from reaching the people I loved.

They were the reason I almost gave up on myself and this world.

All over a piece of metal locked around my wrists.

Those reminders angered me and I gritted my teeth as I stared at them with the intention of destroying them. I would not overcome this all to feel like a prisoner.

I was free, and that meant these restraints had to go.

The thought ignited a blue glow, turquoise with hints of orange and gold. The sparks that followed were of a golden nature, and the heat that seemed to flood my body shot through to the very metal until it began to melt.

It was fascinating to watch, a part of my mind trying to remind myself that I was underwater and not standing in a science museum and watching an experiment happen.

The cuffs melted off my wrists, and I took a few seconds to watch them float past my body and descend to the ocean floor. The sight was so rewarding, leaving me with the motivation to finish where I'd left off.

My eyes caught onto my arm then, the turquoise glow coming from a set of lines there. The design was familiar, and yet, I couldn't process it. Not now.

Not until I survive all of this.

Looking back up, I continued my journey, time and life resuming. I ignored the pain, burning, and aches in my body.

The top was so close, and I wouldn't give up. I'd earned that breath of air, and I was seconds away from it.

When my head burst through the surface, I took the biggest gasp of air I could. I coughed and realized I could use my hands to keep afloat, moving them to support me as I tried to fill my lungs with the air they craved.

Each rushed inhale hurt, but I didn't care. I was alive and had defied death. I coached my body to breathe, allowing myself to inhale and exhale, and eventually let my body float among the calm waters so I could stare up at the stars.

I knew that my fight wasn't over, but I desperately needed to acknowledge that I was alive. To take a momentary break to look at the shining stars and validate my accomplishment.

I'm alive, Dominick. I did Copyright 2016 - 2024