Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,23

that left my lips surely could have been heard through the forest, but that was the least of my worries as I dropped the phone, left my purse, and darted through the forest.

Thank goodness I was a sprint champion, because I needed to get far away from the giant alligator that now let out a noise of defiance.

I tried to control my breathing, knowing that if I didn't, I'd tire more quickly. But my panic was getting the best of me, and I wasn't sure if I could control it.

I remembered the lecture Tristan had given me about it.

* * *

"You have to control your breathing, or you'll be out for the count," he emphasized as I came to a stop and put my hands to my knees.

"But...damn. I...don't...have the...stamina...for this shit."

He chuckled and patted my back.

"You're only sixteen. Still got lots of time to build up the stamina. At least you're good at kicking booty with them kickboxing skills."

"What if I was being chased by someone or something?" I breathed, rising up to look at shirtless Tristan. I took the moment to study his six-pack, wondering how the hell he kept that bad boy physique when he ate more than me — and I ate a good ton.

He lifted my chin up, my cheeks growing red as he stared down at me with a playful expression.

"If you keep your eyes on the prize and not on my abs, you'll be just fine," he encouraged.

"Ugh, I wasn't checking you out."

"I never said that." He winked and let go of my chin to pinch my nose.


"Five more sprints," he instructed. "Focus on leveling out your breathing so you can sprint farther while maintaining your stamina."

"That sounds horrible and I know I'll just fail again," I mumbled.

"You won't," Tristan assured me. "Because if you do, we won't pass by that favorite ice cream shop of yours."

I stared at him with wide eyes, the thought already making me want to drool.

"I will not fail!"

"That's the spirit." Tristan grinned and ruffled my hair. "C'mon. I'll sprint with you."


* * *

If only he were here now. He always had a way of motivating me to surpass my limits. This was one of those times I desperately wished to be in his shadow. To watch his frame a few strides before me and feel the competitive energy that accompanied his presence.

I missed the guys. They were struggling without me. Did it mean if I survived this, maybe they would stay around a little longer? Maybe grab some time for me to adjust to my new reality of being alone and away from them?

I have to survive this, so we can properly sort things out.

The drive to live grew and the strength in my legs doubled as I ran faster than before. I evened out my breathing, envisioning a tunnel and the light at the end of it.

I will succeed. I'll survive. I will return home and tell those men exactly how I feel. In all areas...including the ones that make my heart skip and my body want us to be more than what we are. Even if it means breaking the rules.

I looked over my shoulder, noticing that there was nothing chasing after me anymore, but I was too frightened to stop. I kept running and running, hoping to get as far away from that thing, the hotel, and the scary man who killed the kidnappers, and just return to where I knew I belonged.

Whether I was human or not didn't matter. I wanted to be around those who loved me for who I was and not what I could potentially be.

Envision the finish line, Cass. You will go—

I thought of it too soon; the trees thinned out abruptly and revealed the cliff I was darting straight for.

"Shit!" I shrieked and tried to stop, but that only made me trip and lunge forward.

Right off the cliff.

The scream that left me didn't stop until my body submerged into the depths of the dark ocean.


I knew how to swim, yes, but not with handcuffs. I couldn't stop myself from submerging deeper and deeper into the depths of the pitch-black waters.

I kicked my feet, hoping to rise back to the surface, but it was no use.

Fear plagued me.

The little bit of air I'd grasped in the last seconds before impact was already running out. I looked up, my hope fading.


The surface was so far away that it seemed literally impossible to reach. The obstacle was all around me, and Copyright 2016 - 2024