Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,21

make anyone run for the hills. Or jump in the damn ocean.

"When humans are around us supernaturals for long periods of time, a number of things start to happen. It gets hot, harder to breathe, and a lot easier to be influenced by their magic and presence. She'd become a puppet to anything they asked and wouldn't project that confident vibe that she does in the public eye. Unless...she's a supernatural herself."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, goosebumps crawling up my arms as I involuntarily shivered at his words.

Me? A supernatural? Impossible.

"That's not..." The first guy trailed off, and I flinched at the sound of something falling to the ground. "Hey. Buddy? Hey!"

"Oops. Guess you have higher endurance than your friend over there."

"No...he's...he's not breathing! Help! No, man. You can't go! We're supposed to be millionaires together. You gotta pay for your daughter's medication. C'mon! Wake up!"

"Too bad." The dealer sighed. "Could have been useful henchman."

"Please...don't kill me. I...I'll find her. She couldn't have gone far."

"Don't bother." The dealer sounded bored. "Now that it's been reported she's missing, I'm sure there will be a fight to get her. A human on the surface and supernatural beneath. Wouldn't that be the perfect tool to get rid of some of you disrespectful rats."

"We...we didn't mean—"

"I wasn't done talking," the man interrupted before a gurgling scream followed.

"Gah-ru." It was like someone was choking on their own saliva, but I knew better.

He was choking on his own blood.

Maybe he's being strangled...nah. The dealer wouldn't leave his fingerprints on them.

"Cassandra Thorn. From what I've recently discovered, she is the only daughter of the Thorn family. You know, those human rich folks. If only they knew what their daughter possesses. They would be searching every bush and corner for her and begging for her safe return."

There was a long silence and another thumping noise followed.

"Too bad," the dealer said, and I heard the flicker of a lighter. A deep inhale followed, and a long sigh rode the air.

"They actually thought I'd give them a million dollars. Why are humans so gullible? It's 2055 for goodness's sake. They never learn."

There was suddenly a bursting noise, similar to a mini explosion. I felt the heatwave that followed, and I was tempted to look behind me.

"They should be happy I gave them a proper cremation." The man laughed manically before his footsteps began to fade away.

I need to go. Now!

I'd never burst into a full-on sprint like this in my life, my heart already pounding rapidly as my nose picked up the scent of smoke from what I knew was a burning pyre behind me.

It wouldn't be long before the alarms of the hotel went on and I didn't want to be in the midst of that either. No way did I want to be accused of murdering those men when they were the ones who had kidnapped me.

Reaching the ocean shore, I raced along it toward a set of trees that led to a thick rainforest. My bare feet hurt, but I ignored the pain.

A few blisters and bruises were better than being dead.

I was out of breath when I got to the thicker parts of the forest, and I soon was unsure which way I should go to get help. To find a road or passing car that could take me to safety.

With what had just happened, I didn't know if I could trust a stranger. That new information was still ringing in my head, and if someone like that man knew something about my family's origin that I didn't, who else knew about it?

Am I really not a human? If so, what am I?

I trusted the guys with my life, and I knew if I wasn't fully human, they would have told me. Plus, Everett of all people would have confronted me first, not only for my personal knowledge but for my protection.

If he didn't know about this, and neither did the guys, then my family was hiding a secret that was about to come to light with my disappearance.


It was time to call for help.

Finding a bit of cover in a some bushes, I crouched down and worked on opening and retrieving the brick phone with my cuffed hands.

My wrists were already bruising up, and the ache was getting annoying, but I wasn't going to deal with that until I was safe.

Flipping the phone open, I noticed the picture of a little girl on the screen. I pushed my emotions to the side, knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024