Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,19

is such a pain," I mumbled, but rolled onto my back. My head was near the end of the bed while my legs were parallel to the headboard.

Staring at the ceiling, I took a few deep breaths and let them out, concentrating on making my body as relaxed as possible so my flexibility would be on point.

Tucking my legs tightly against me, I began to countdown as I rocked myself back and forth like I was a tumbleweed that was literally about to take a tumble off this bed.


With a quick movement, I somersaulted off the bed, swinging my arms so that they were still handcuffed but in front of me.

"Thank goodness I kept up with my gymnastics or man, that would have broken something," I muttered and looked at the nightstand. "All right. Purse. Brick. This is going to be interesting."

To get that brick into my purse took some work, but the hardest part was managing to figure out a way to get the strap securely along my body so I didn't lose it. They were going to be my key to getting out of here and reaching the guys for help.

Once I was ready to go, I noticed the mirror on the wall on my right. I stared at my reflection, noting how horrible I looked.

My hair was a mess, the frizz showing the lighter strands that were usually hidden by the dark brown ones. My foundation had rubbed off on the sheet I'd been sleeping on and the bags under my eyes were now obvious. My eyelids were puffy, and mascara lined the tear tracks down my cheeks.

I knew I should have worn waterproof mascara and eyeliner.

I'd been staying up all through the night lately, thanks to my little obsession with this new Netflix series about supernatural spy students and their journey through the crazy years. Because of it, I'd been wearing a lot of concealer to hide my dark circles, but they showed through clearly now.

My makeup was a wreck.

All the same, maybe losing sleep to watch a spy show would be beneficial now that I was about to break out of a hotel room and try and reclaim my freedom before it was snatched from me forever.

My reflection triggered a thought of the guys. How they always would stop me before going out the door to make sure I looked as flawless as ever.

None of them were here to do just that, and I could already feel the difference. How empty I felt without their presence. A part of me felt a little pathetic for relying on them so much all these years, and yet the other side wished they were right here and now.

It wasn't the situation that I wanted them to be in. It wasn't the challenges that came with being kidnapped, trapped, and having your life at risk that made me yearn for them. The loneliness in my heart as I tackled this all on my own was what made things super hard.

They wouldn't always be in my life, I knew that, but deep down, I thought I'd have a bit more time before I was truly on my own.

Focus, Cass. It's time to stop being the damsel in distress and save yourself!

With a nod to my reflection, I stared at the door with perseverance and readied my stance. It had been a while since I'd damaged public property, but I was sure if I explained I'd been kidnapped to sell to the black market or to some lab people, who were the clear perpetrators of this kidnapping business, the authorities would let it slide this one time.

"Time to break out," I whispered and moved to the door. As much as I wanted to make a scene and kick the door right open, I decided the calmer route would keep me alive longer.

Using my hand to slowly unlock the door, I opened it at a gradual pace. When the quietness in the hallway continued, I peeked my head through the crack to see if anyone was there.

No one... It's now or never.

With a mental nod and silent prayer to not die, I rushed out and ran straight down the hall. If I was going to get out of here, I'd have go with the less obvious route.


Finding the EXIT sign to the stairs, I ran down the remainder of the hall and with caution, pushed against the stairwell door. It opened with ease, and I immediately scouted for any guards.

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