Supernatural Fresh Meat - By Alice Henderson Page 0,82

in the corner over the man. Dean’s body listed to one side, and he grabbed part of the wall to steady himself. A sweeping dizziness overcame him, and his legs felt rubbery and uncertain under him. He fell to his knees, head bobbing under an incredible weight. He tried to focus on Jason in the dim light, but the creature swayed and loomed and all his features became blurred and mixed together.

“Dean!” he heard Grace call behind him. “What’s wrong?” But her voice was muffled and muted, and he could barely make out the words.

He opened his mouth to tell her to stay away, but found he couldn’t speak. His tongue weighed too much and filled up too much of his mouth.

Dean slumped forward, over a broken snowboard. He felt his hands go heavy and useless, falling down inside the debris of wiring and plaster. He blinked, trying to breathe. Jason stepped forward and took the concoction out of Dean’s useless fingers. Dean tried to resist, but his limbs wouldn’t obey him. He lay there, feeling heavy and useless, his mind going numb.

Jason stepped over him toward the door. Dean heard Grace screaming in the dark. Then blackness stole over him, sweeping him away into oblivion.


Sam knew he couldn’t do anything for Bobby until he got to the top of the ridge.

Climbing as quickly as he dared, he dragged himself over the top as the vampires kicked at him. He endured blow after blow, his only thought to climb safely off the rock face. He dug the axe in at the top, hauling himself up over the edge. Wiping blood away from his eyes, Sam stood up. The two vampires advanced and he swung the axe out defensively. The male vampire leapt back, his black jacket flapping in the wind.

Sam gauged his situation. They stood on the narrow strip of flat rock at the top of the ridge. Both sides dropped away steeply. Sam faced back the way he and Bobby had originally come. To his right, the fall was likely fatal. To his left, the way they’d scrambled up, a fall could still end in some serious broken bones. He had to be careful not to let the vampires close enough to throw him off balance.

He squared off, steadying his feet on the three-foot-wide trail, then he started moving backward carefully, trying to lure them off the ridge and into the trees beyond. But they moved in too quickly, darting closer to him.

“You killed our friends at Point Reyes,” the female said to him angrily, “and now we’re going to finish you.”

Sam sighed. What the hell was up with that kind of mentality? It’s okay if we kill you, but don’t dare defend yourself, or we’ll get even.

He continued to back up slowly, glancing down every few seconds to be sure he had rock to step on to.

Blue Spikes darted in and Sam swung the axe, connecting with her shoulder. She howled in pain as the toothed edge bit into the meat there. She staggered backward. For a hopeful second, Sam thought she would tumble off the cliff, but she regained her balance and backed away.

Now Black Overcoat closed in, sneering, cocky. Sam continued to step backward. The vampire leapt, trying to dive-tackle Sam like he’d done to Bobby, but Sam moved to one side at the last moment, the vampire landing only a glancing blow. Sam grabbed him in a headlock and brought the axe down on the back of his neck. He shoved the axe head in, feeling the grinding of bone against metal. The vampire struggled, arms thrashing, trying to pull out of Sam’s grip.

Clutching her shoulder, the female watched warily. Sam continued to dig the axe into her partner’s neck. It bit through bone, then tore through the remaining flesh. The vampire’s head swung by a strip of skin. His body went limp in Sam’s arms and he flung the vampire over the edge. Blue Spikes screamed in anger as he tumbled down the rock face, landing in a heap at the bottom.

“I’ll kill you!” she shouted, barreling toward Sam.

He braced himself, and when she got close enough, he readied to take a swing with the axe. At the last minute, she jumped to one side, bounding down across some rocks just below the summit, moving like a spider. She came up behind him, shoving him before he had a chance to spin around. For one dizzying moment he leaned out over the steep edge Copyright 2016 - 2024