Sunset Seduction - By Charlene Sands Page 0,24

something that was long since gone—a true family. She hugged the photo to her chest and closed her eyes. The pain of their loss was never far from her mind.

She put that picture in her underwear drawer, on the top and to the side, to keep it from getting crumpled, and then set the other frames atop the dresser, one on each end.

Susanna was a good friend. She knew what Audrey needed.

She’d also sent along Jewel’s favorite water bowl and feeding dish along with kitty treats and cat toys. “You are good to go now,” she said, tossing Jewel a mouse squeak toy that was three-quarters demolished. The cat gave it a swat and then took a chew, fully occupied and purring.

Audrey wouldn’t dwell on where Luke was tonight. She skipped her own dinner entirely. Her stomach needed a rest and she didn’t trust herself to eat. But her mouth felt dry and her body needed hydration so she took a stroll to the kitchen.

The house was eerily quiet and dark. She flipped on the lights and poured herself a glass of lemonade. And as she sipped the drink, she wandered over to the oak double French doors and gazed out. The moon was in full force, round and shining like a night beacon, streaming light onto the Slade pool. The glistening waters, so still, so tranquil, reflected back with a twinkle of invitation.

“Not tonight,” she mumbled. She finished her drink and padded back to her room. Slipping easily into her T-shirt, she sank into the cozy comfort of the bed. She stroked Jewel behind the ear with one hand and clicked on the TV remote control with the other. This was what her life had turned out to be. In bed early, sitting next to her cat and watching TV.

Her phone barked. “Ruff, ruff.” Incoming text. It was probably Susanna wanting to know if the box had arrived safely. Grateful for the interruption, she grabbed her phone and read the text message slicing across the screen.

Are you awake?

It was Luke. She glanced at the clock. Nine-thirty. Her heart sped. Was he home this early? She hadn’t heard him come in.

Yes. Hot date over already?

There was a long pause before the next message came through.

Nothing hot about it.

You have my sympathy.

Not really. Inside, she was doing backflips.

Are you home?

Sitting out back. Beautiful night.

I know.

Want to join me?

Yes. Yes. Yes. She held her breath and typed.

I’m still mad at you.

I have beer.

Her stomach couldn’t handle alcohol.

Will I get an apology?

Another long pause. Audrey may have pushed her luck. She wanted to see Luke, but it couldn’t always be on his terms. She had to stand her ground. She was hired to do a job here and Luke was being bullheaded.

Maybe. Could use some company.

The maybe was promising, but it was the last part of the text that broke down her anger and ripped into her heart. Luke needed a friend. He might have had a tough night tonight, for all she knew. After all, he’d come home early. He needed someone to talk to. How could she refuse him that?

She jumped from the bed and donned her clothes, typing in the words that secured her a seat next to him.

I’ll be right there.

* * *

She sat on a pool chair facing the water and the great pastures beyond. Luke sat next to her, sipping beer. For a while, they just sat there quietly, Luke deep in his own thoughts. It was nice knowing he felt comfortable enough with her not to have to make small talk. There was a connection between them that felt right.

After a while, Luke toyed with the bottle he’d just drained, palming it from one hand to the other. “You know,” he began, “I’ve been thinking that I’ve been a little hard on you.”

Audrey sat still, her breath stuck in her throat.

“You know your way around horses and I have to trust in that. It’s just that I’m used to worrying over you, and Casey would hang my hide if anything happened to you on my watch. Trib is a perplexing case. He’s hard to break and he doesn’t trust anyone. I found that out the hard way and I don’t want a repeat of my mistake happening to you.”

Audrey put resolution in her quiet words. “I understand your concern. But, if anything happened to me, it wouldn’t be your fault. I take full responsibility for my actions. You don’t have to protect me.”

His eyes narrowed and Copyright 2016 - 2024