Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,34

farmer—it was Christmastime! Do farmers hire hands at Christmas when the snow is four feet deep? I think it was a grower and I think Chad either got fired or ran or maybe even robbed the guy before he ran. He abandoned us, but he came back about six months later looking for money and the men in town caught him trying to shake some money out of me. Jack, Noah, Preacher. Mike V., the town cop, was there, the sheriff was called and Chad is now in jail. He’s going to be in jail for a while. Hopefully long enough to forget about us.”

Tom had turned in his driver’s seat. His arm was rested on the top of the steering wheel; he balanced it on his wrist. The other arm was stretched out along the seat, toward her. He just stared at her for a long moment. Finally he said, “You’ve had a tough time.”

She took a breath. “I wish I’d made better choices.”

“You were young.”

“I had girlfriends who were as young, but protected themselves much better.”

“Yeah? I had friends who were better at lots of things than me. But I can grow a real pretty apple.” And then he tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.

“I am very impressed with your apples,” she told him.

“All those things you didn’t feel you had the best instincts for before? You’ll be so much better at that now,” he said.

“I had a very sweet maternity nurse when Berry was born,” Nora said. “She was a grandmother, she said. And she felt so sorry for me that my mother wanted no part of Berry’s arrival—she wouldn’t have missed her daughter’s delivery for the world. And she said, ‘You will do so much better than that. You will.’ And when she put Berry into my arms she said, ‘Congratulations. This is your new best friend for life.’ So now it seems like more than one person I admire believes in me.”

He just looked into her eyes, silent.

“I should pick apples,” she said.

He came out of his trance. “Right,” he said, putting his truck in gear.

* * *

She was so young, Tom thought, to have had to learn so much. And this worldly education in life had not only been achieved with complete lack of support, at least to this point, but with a couple of helpless little kids. And he’d already known she had a messy past, but the story she told only made it sound worse than he imagined.

Throughout the day, while he tended the trees and crop, he thought about that, comparing her to himself. He was almost thirty and had just realized he was ready to settle on the orchard, take on a wife and family, and this decision that was both emotional and practical, had taken a lot of consideration. He hadn’t been even near ready two years ago and five years ago it was a possibility that terrified him. But he’d left the Marine Corps knowing that was the next stage of his life.

And had come back to Virgin River? Where the hell did he think he was going to find a wife here? All the girls he thought were hot in high school were spoken for, as were most of the young women in his age range in the coastal towns. In fact, a lot of them had already been married and divorced with a kid or two. No, that wasn’t what he was looking for at all. The whole kid thing scared him enough without taking on someone else’s kids.

He was so preoccupied that he was relieved when Junior told him that no extra hands were needed over the weekend. And when he gave Nora her ride home, she seemed cheerful when she jumped out of the truck. “Well,” she said, “I’m having a family reunion this weekend. Do you have any big plans?”

“Nothing for me,” he said. But he thought maybe he should try to get out of town for a day, maybe a weekend. “Enjoy yourself. Pick you up Monday morning.”

* * *

Tom sat at the kitchen table in the house, cup of coffee in front of him and his laptop open to his schedule. But rather than scrolling or typing or figuring, he tapped his finger idly. A lot of what ran through his head was asking himself how Nora could be different Copyright 2016 - 2024