Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,109

I came a little too close to orphaning them.” She allowed herself a small smile. “Thank you—you were pretty magnificent. That bear was going to eat me.”

“I spent half the night looking for that damn bear and her cubs. Darla showed up just after dark and she didn’t close the gate. Duke let us know there was a bear.”

She gave his naked chest a pat. “Well, I’m sure she’s very upset. You better go see if she’s all right. I’m going home.” And she walked down the lane to her car, parked by the barn. “Good luck,” she said to him, giving him a wave.

* * *

Tom grabbed a shirt and jacket and went to help Junior round up the cubs, which turned out more like a game for all the orchard workers as they were on the run. The men carried rakes and shovels to try to direct the cubs into a corner where they would be trapped. The gate remained closed so they wouldn’t escape into the forest; they were probably mature enough to survive, but it would be better if an expert made that decision. A couple of hours later someone from Fish and Game arrived with a flatbed attached to a big truck to take away the bear carcass; an hour after that, animal control arrived to transport the cubs to a holding facility.

All this time there was no sign of Darla and the red Caddy remained parked at the back of the house. He stood outside his office staring at that damn car. It would probably have been best if she’d gotten angry enough to leave while he was playing tag with cubs because there was little doubt in his mind she was going to be angry enough to leave after they talked.

“Girl trouble?” Junior asked him.

“What makes you say that?” Tom returned.

“Well, one charged out of here after a bear nearly ate her and in case you think no one was paying attention, she wouldn’t go in the house because the other one was in there. And the other one is still in there and you keep looking at that car like you wish it would disappear.”

“You’re smarter than you look,” Tom said.

Junior scratched his head. “I ain’t that smart. I’m divorced.” Then he turned back to the barn.

Tom took a breath and headed for the house. Maxie was in the kitchen, as usual. She was pouring a pot of soup into a large container.

“Where is she?” Tom asked quietly.

“In her room. Pouting.”

“Okay. I’ll take care of this.”

“I’m leaving,” Maxie said. “I’m going into town to check on Nora, bring her some soup. I’m going to stay gone for at least a couple of hours. I’d be very happy if the drama could be over when I get home.”

“It will be,” Tom said. But he was thinking, Why the hell can’t someone just shoot me?

Chapter Nineteen

Tom tapped on Darla’s door. She bade him enter and when he opened the door, he did not see what he had hoped to see—packed luggage ready to go. Nope, she was still settled in. And she was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

“I don’t really know where to start…” he said.

“Let me help you,” she returned rather curtly. “You begin with an apology. And what is that smell?” He ignored the apology part and felt his neck prickling and getting red. He had a sudden curiosity—just how many times had she tricked men into marrying her? Was there any chance Bob hadn’t been the first one? But then he realized, he couldn’t possibly care less. “The smell is sweat, dirt and bear.”

“Maybe we should talk after you’ve had a chance to shower.”

“No, we’re going to talk right now, Darla. We, you and I, aren’t going any further. We don’t fit. It wouldn’t work. It’s not what I want.”

“It’s a bit more than that,” she said, standing but keeping her distance as she wrinkled her nose. “There’s another woman in the picture. You were cheating on me with one of your employees.”

“That’s the thing, I wasn’t cheating on you because I haven’t made any kind of commitment to you, not even a slight, tiny, superficial commitment. None. At all. And you and I are not dating, not seeing each other, not getting more serious. We don’t want the same things, we’re never going to Copyright 2016 - 2024