Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,107

had been unable to suppress fantasies of how this holiday season might be spent. She would certainly be spending time with Jed, but after this past week of being chased around the apple trees and kissed on any opportunity, she rather hoped Tom might want to make some holiday plans.

But everything in her mind changed when she got to the orchard. After letting herself into the gate and closing it behind her, she pulled up to the barn. And there, parked at the rear of the house, was the red car.

Her heart plummeted. She almost couldn’t breathe.

Nora gathered her mettle and got out of the car. Tom was not in his office, so she made coffee for him; likely he was sleeping a little later than usual this morning since he’d had a house guest last night. Spirit almost broken, she grabbed a bag and a ladder, pulled on her gloves and went into the trees to get to work.

* * *

Tom woke to the aroma of coffee and bacon, the sun not yet up. He hadn’t moved an inch in about three hours; his feet were still on the floor. He groaned, coughed and stood up.

Maxie turned from the stove when he entered the kitchen. “Bear?”

“Never saw one,” he said. “But if they were hiding in the orchard, they were damn good and quiet. We saw plenty of bear shit, though. Duke outted them.”

“I heard a snore from the couch at about three-thirty… .”

“I didn’t even want to bother with the stairs. Did you get any sleep?”

“On and off. I kept waiting to hear a rifle shot.”

“Darla?” he asked.

“She went to bed not long after you left. I guess she wasn’t interested in waiting up.”

He just shook his head and scratched his itching beard. “I’m going to get a shower. I’ll be down in a few.”

He went to his room, gathered fresh clothes to take to the bathroom and stripped to his waist. The sun was still shy, but a soft glow came from outside the bathroom window. While he shaved, he thought. While he was not the least happy about the circumstances, now dealing with Darla was going to be considerably easier. He wasn’t sure how she survived in her world, but there was no way she could make it in his.

A lot of cruel things sprang to mind—like the fact that she was so self-centered she couldn’t even manage to close the orchard gate much less carry her own briefcase. He wouldn’t say these things, of course. But if he didn’t tell her there was no chemistry between them and send her on her way, Maxie just might. Maxie was getting more outspoken by the year.

He laughed to himself as he was pulling on clean jeans after his shower—he’d better lock up that rifle just in case Darla got the notion to try to convince Maxie it was time to pack up her things and go to some retirement home.

He’d barely pulled on his jeans in the steamy bathroom when he heard a glass-breaking female scream from the orchard.

“Nora!” he said aloud.

He ran down the stairs, taking them about three at a time. “Duke,” he yelled to the dog. “Duke, show me the bear!” Though barefoot and bare-chested, he grabbed the rifle as he passed through the kitchen, Duke on his heels.

Duke, apparently over his fright from last night, got low and fast and shot into the trees, snarling. Tom ran like his life was at stake…or Nora’s…and was so grateful Duke was the only one he heard growling.

She screamed again and added, “Help! Oh, God!”

Duke was way ahead and just might get the bear off Nora, even as old as Duke was. “Nora!” he yelled just so she would know he was coming. And then he turned into the trees to follow Duke, who was barking wildly. And Nora screamed again.

When he saw her, it took a second to process. Was she throwing apples at a big black bear? Screaming and throwing apples?

“Get behind the tree,” he yelled, taking aim.

Nora bolted behind the nearest tree and yelled, “Tom! Behind you!”

He turned in time to see a cub behind him; damn cubs were getting big. He had the rifle trained on the mother, who stood on her hind legs, accommodating him. He was all done playing around with this one—he fired. One. Copyright 2016 - 2024