Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,85

Since he’d made his choice, since he didn’t love her anymore, she wanted him to just go away. She wanted to rebuild her life in peace and tranquility.

She loved her little law office. She was fond of Sam and his wife. She wanted to get to know Logan better. She was sure she would never remarry and she wasn’t sure she could even entertain the idea of a serious boyfriend, but it would be nice to hold hands while walking on the beach, to talk politics without arguing, even to compare exes and learn about singlehood, something she never expected to experience. Having been with Scott so long, she felt as if she’d been born married. The ringing doorbell interrupted her thoughts.

“Hi,” Scott said. “Thanks for letting me come over.”

“Sure. I hope we can get to the end of these constant negotiations, Scott. I’d like to concentrate on other things.”

“Sure. Me, too.”

The girls sat in the living room, stiff and waiting. He kissed each one; hugged them. Justine noticed he got a little emotional and seemed to swallow it down.

“So, it appears you’re hardly ever at the house,” he said.

“Well, you’re hardly ever at the house,” Amber said. “We’re not spending any time with you. But here, we have dinner with Mom every night.”

“And you don’t mind driving so far to school?” he asked.

“Yeah, I mind it,” Olivia said. “But I also mind living alone at the big house.”

“This place,” he said, looking around. “It’s a lot smaller and older...”

“They like the beach,” Justine said. “They also enjoy the time they get to spend with Addie. And it’s very rare for me to have to work evenings. Very rare. My schedule is much more relaxed now.”

He leaned back in the chair. “You look more relaxed.”

And yet he didn’t, Justine thought. He looked stressed and a little too thin. “Have you been working out more?” she asked.

He laughed uncomfortably. “No, I’ve been busy at the shop. See, I took a look at that kayak shack, ran some numbers and I’m sure, given time, I can turn it around. I have a lot of experience, you know.”

So he kept saying, she thought.

“Let me get to the point. No one is using the house. There’s a lot of equity tied up in that house, and I could use the capital. I’m investing in the kayak shack. It’s my plan to own it. I’m investing over time to keep some of my assets available. It’s a helluva deal, really. Even if the shop doesn’t do as well as I hope, the land it sits on is valuable. But we don’t have any plans to sell it. Not without giving the business an overhaul and letting it make money. The thing is, winter is coming and with the fog and chill, we’ll experience a temporary lull...”

“We?” Amber said.

God bless her, Justine thought. She hadn’t wanted to ask, though in her gut she knew. He wasn’t just sleeping with her. He was partnering with her—possibly even supporting her. Marrying her would probably be cheaper.

“Cat owns the place. It has a little debt on it, not too much. Very affordable mortgage. And a small business loan. But here’s what I propose. I think we should let the house and some of the sporting equipment and vehicles go. I’ll see the girls more often if they live here in town anyway. As long as Amber and Olivia are happy here, it’s more convenient for me. It seems like you’re bringing more and more stuff from home—”

“Just clothes and some bedding,” Livvie said. “But I’m ready to make this permanent.”

“She has a boyfriend,” Amber said.

“A boyfriend!” Scott said. “I thought you said you weren’t getting serious?”

“Jared and I met at the beach and we have a lot in common. He’s in college.”

Scott frowned.

“His first year,” she said, clarifying.

“The girls spent so much time here over summer, they met a few local kids,” Justine said.

“But are you ready to give up a house near your school? Because it’s important Copyright 2016 - 2024