Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,72

“I hope I can continue my advance degree while working,” Adele said. “It’s all a matter of whether I have to pick up undergrad credits before resuming my graduate studies in a new program. There are lots of possibilities. But there’s something that wasn’t available before—there are tons of online classes.”

Ross’s face grew very soft as she gazed at Adele. She looked as sweet and lovely as Adele had ever seen her.

“I’m going to give you some advice. Advice that was given to me that I struggled with. You’ve had many changes this year, starting with your mama’s death after years of being at home, caring for her. Then you began to grow in so many ways, remarkable ways. I’m so proud of you. We’re all so proud of you. I’m on your side, I promise you. And I want you to achieve your dreams. But while you’re making the decisions that will lead you there, be very careful to take care of yourself. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Don’t make yourself sick or too tired or get frustrated and angry, because what you want to do sounds rewarding and wonderful. Getting there will be hard but worth it. Please don’t overdo yourself. Remember to try to enjoy the process as well as the destination.”

“You’re right,” Addie said. “That’s very good advice.”

But Adele was thinking, It’s this job and these people who made me want to finally find a life that matters to me.

“And I want you to be able to enjoy this new sense of family you have.”

“I’m so surprised by this, and it’s my sister’s broken heart that began to bring us together. We were never really sisters before. I always loved Justine and admired her, but we never really bonded until now.”

“Life happens that way sometimes. Out of the ashes comes the beauty.”

* * *

Justine’s conversation with Scott went badly. She was frankly surprised it had not happened sooner.

“You should have told me you were planning to quit your job,” he said.

“I wasn’t planning to,” she said. “I was planning to stay at Sharper Dynamic for as long as possible, but the company is going through a merger, the positions were rapidly shifting and I was going to be moved to another department and it involved a significant pay cut. Plus my marriage was suddenly over, our assets divided as was our future. We would no longer have a team future. If I wanted to make a change, I could. And I’ve wanted to make a change for a long time. I was always honest about that. I told you I was getting burned out on corporate law years ago.”

“But you didn’t say you were going to quit! When you said you were happy to give me half your earnings for five years, you didn’t say your earnings would be down by a hundred percent! If you were so burned out, why didn’t you quit years ago?”

“Because we were playing as a team, and we had to make decisions like that together! You’re on another team now. Besides, what’s the panic? Didn’t you walk away with over two million dollars?”

“I invested in a business!”

She shouldn’t have been surprised, yet she was shocked. “Oh, Scott, you didn’t! Did you invest in that kayak shack? With the girlfriend?”

“I do have a degree in business. I managed our investments, income and retirement funds very successfully for many years,” he said.

“Except we had the advice of a professional financial planner and accountant. Did you enter into a partnership with that woman? She’s had two bankruptcies, you know. And the business is failing!”

“How do you know that?” he demanded angrily.

“Scott, it’s a matter of public record,” she said.

“You lied to me! You cheated me! You offered me support, knowing you wouldn’t have to pay it!”

“And you offered me a lifetime of marriage, telling me you loved me while you were having an affair! How long have you known we wouldn’t stay married? Because I decided to work for myself rather than for us after you left me for another woman!”

“It’s not the same thing and you know it!” Copyright 2016 - 2024