Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,55

said. “I think you’re going to blow away.”

When they were seated in an out-of-the-way booth, they started talking about the purchases, making a fuss over how wonderful Adele looked in her new clothes, laughing over the ones they rejected. “That brown thing made you look like a bag lady,” Amber said.

“I liked that one,” Adele said.

“That’s why I wanted to go with you!” Justine said.

“That’s the thing about books,” Olivia said. “They don’t care what you wear.”

“I think they closed the stores behind us,” Amber said. “We were way too much trouble. I consider shopping an aggressive sport.”

“That dressing room looked like your room,” Justine said.

“Looking good just isn’t easy, Mom.”

“It is for me,” Olivia said.

They laughed and poked fun at each other until suddenly Adele had tears running down her cheeks.

“What is it, Addie?” Justine asked.

She shook her head. “I’m not sure,” she said. “I hate shopping, but that was the best day I’ve had in forever. I don’t know what happened, but you’re different. I’ve never known you like this. Don’t tell me divorce made you fun?”

Justine bit into a bread stick. “Divorce broke my heart. I think it’s going to hurt for a long time. But it gave me permission to try a few things. First, I don’t have to worry about getting home to make sure I’ve done my share around the house. I’m not stressed out about Monday morning meetings. Actually, I guess I should tell you all. I gave my notice at work. I need a new schedule where I’m not working excessive hours. I’ve already had a couple of offers from smaller practices, but I’m not accepting anything yet. I’m still looking around. I’m fifty-percent terrified and fifty-percent excited. I think once I get on my feet, I’m going to have fun again. Now that I look back on it, I wasn’t having enough fun.”

“Good for you, Mom,” Amber said. “But I’m not fifty-percent excited. Dad wants to take us out to dinner to meet the girlfriend.”

Justine went visibly pale. “Really?” she said.

“Do we have to?” Amber asked.

“It’s entirely up to you,” Justine said. “I’m certainly not going to insist.”

“What if he insists?” Amber asked.

“I’m not,” Olivia said. “I’m just not.”

“I still love my dad, even if I think he’s stupid and mean,” Amber said. “If we say no, he’ll be mad.”

“Oh well,” Olivia said. “Guess he’ll have to be mad. I’m just not.”

“Then I’m not, either,” Amber replied.

“Have you suggested to your dad that you’d love to have dinner with him but you don’t feel like meeting his girlfriend?” Justine asked.

“I haven’t,” Olivia said. “I see him at home a couple of nights a week, and he spends most of that time on the phone with her.”

“I’m just saying, if there’s a way to have a relationship with him...” Justine tried.

“And I guess I’m saying he could have made the decision to leave his girlfriend—you know, say something original like ‘Hey, I’m married, so this can’t happen.’ But instead, he left us. Seeing him right now is not high on my priority list,” Olivia said.

“I think I need wine,” Adele said.

* * *

Justine had Adele home by six, and by then they’d spent as much money as had been reasonable and lunch had long since worn off. While Adele and Amber worked at putting away the new clothes and sorting through Justine’s castoffs, Justine and Olivia walked to Bronski’s Market.

Jake was putting out fresh vegetables. “Well, hello stranger,” Justine said. “It’s been a long time.”

He turned and smiled when he took in mother and daughter. “Justine! It’s been way too long. What brings you to the neighborhood?”

“We just finished a day of shopping with Adele,” Justine said. “She needed some new clothes for her new job and, in case you haven’t noticed, new shape.”

“Oh, I think everyone in town has noticed. She’s been walking every day, sometimes twice a day, and eats like a rabbit. What can I help Copyright 2016 - 2024