Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,53

I never wasted a second on resentment. Then he threw me out with the trash. Because he just wasn’t happy enough. And on top of it, he complained that I was too focused on my work. I suggested that if he resented my long hours, perhaps he shouldn’t take so much of the money I earned, and he said that was precisely why he should take the money. He said the money was the only thing I’d really given him.”

Logan whistled.

“I have a lot of feelings I can’t escape. I’m angry. I’ve never been so angry. I’m afraid of a million things—afraid I’ll be alone for the rest of my life, afraid I won’t make it on my own, afraid I’ll always feel bitter, afraid my stomach will hurt every day, that I’ll wake up and my first thought will be of Scott and that woman day after day, and yet... And yet the very worst thing of all, I have zero respect for a man I loved and admired for thirty years.”

“People make mistakes, Justine,” he said.

“It wasn’t a mistake, it was an indulgence. It wasn’t as if he was abused or unloved. Oh, he might be trying to convince himself now, after the fact, that his marriage wasn’t perfect, but I’m here to tell you he was not neglected. If anyone was, it was me!”

“And you put up with that because...?”

“Because I wanted him to be happy,” she said softly. “But Scott Somersby’s happiness is no longer my concern. I’m going to work on some boundaries, some tender care of my heart and a little self-indulgence of my own.”

“Good for you. For what it’s worth, I think your husband is an idiot. Good women don’t grow on trees, and he might learn that sooner than later. I bet he’ll come crawling back.”

“He’s already too late,” she said.

“I know this is tough, but I have a feeling in a year you’re going to be in far better shape than he is. In fact, in better shape than you were.”

“I hope you’re right,” she said. “I could sure use something to look forward to.”

“When’s your next night in the neighbor’s guest room?” he asked.

“Thursday. Why?”

“Maybe we can meet at Chen’s. And if you want a preliminary report on the law firms you’re looking at, I’d be happy to help. Free of charge.”

“That’s very generous, Logan.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Chapter Eight

Adele told herself that she was doing Justine a favor by going shopping with her. Adele hated shopping.

“Maybe what you hated was not finding anything you loved, but today might be different,” Justine said.

Justine insisted on driving all the way to Half Moon Bay on Saturday morning to pick Adele up. Justine knew the best places to shop, and if she was doing the driving, Adele was captive. And her sister had said she’d mention this excursion to the girls, but Adele hadn’t been overly optimistic about that. Her nieces were always busy. And yet there they were with Justine.

“Oh my God,” Adele said. “Witnesses!”

“Stop being so negative! You’re a working woman now. And you have a whole new body. You need a few outfits to get you through the summer,” Justine said.

“And I’m going to do your hair and makeup,” Amber said.

“I’m going to stake out a bench and read,” Olivia said.

Addie reached out and stroked the girl’s pretty hair. “You should have been my child. I’d rather read, too.”

Her nieces were both beautiful but were as different as Justine and Adele. Amber was tall like her mom and had her eyes. She had trouble sitting still unless it was for a mani-pedi or facial. And she didn’t read nearly as much as Olivia, but both girls did very well in school. Amber was gregarious and Olivia was a complete introvert.

“You and I, we’d be happy with a couch and a book all day long, wouldn’t we?” Addie said.

“I don’t even need a couch,” Olivia replied.

“You want to stay here, at my house, until this shopping thing is over? Copyright 2016 - 2024