Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,116

was just going to have to either solve it himself or live with it.

Chapter Seventeen

Thanksgiving was at the end of the week, and Adele and Justine had decided on a quiet day with the girls. They were going to cook; it had been a long time since they’d done that together, possibly ten years back when their mother was not only alive but able-bodied and spry.

“Are you going to invite Logan?” Adele asked.

“No,” she said. “I think that would be premature. He’s going to be with his family, I’ll be with mine. I did ask him if he wanted to go for a bike ride on Friday, however. What about Jake?”

“I asked him if he wants to stop by,” Adele said. “He’ll be with his mother, and his brother is going to have his kids for the day. With two ex-wives they juggle the holidays. Jake said he’ll stick close by, help his mother with the cooking and clean up and distract her from the chaos that usually comes with Marty. After all that, he said he’d love to stop by for a slice of pie.”

There was nothing at all off about the day—it was perfectly calm and relaxing, the food was wonderful, soft music played in the background. They turned on the space heater in the living room and after dinner played some gin rummy. Justine excused herself to talk to Logan on the phone for a little while. But Jake didn’t show up until nine. And he was exhausted.

“Marty and his kids would wear down a stronger man,” he said. “And didn’t he just bring a girl. Angie something. She’s a looker, but it was pretty obvious he wanted someone to chase after his kids.”

“And she didn’t see through that?” Justine asked.

“She’s young,” Jake said. “So young. I think she might be twenty-two.”

“Sheesh,” she said. “At least she’s old enough to vote. What’s the matter with young women these days? Doesn’t the fact that he’s had two wives and multiple girlfriends make her wonder if he’s reliable?”

“Apparently not,” Jake said with a laugh. “Not yet, anyway.”

“So, tomorrow Justine and the girls are going for a long bike ride with Logan, her new boyfriend. We could do something.”

“Sorry, Addie. It’s a big day at the store.”

“But Thanksgiving is over. Shouldn’t it be quiet?”

“It’s Black Friday. Everyone is shopping. We’ll have some sales, like the rest of the world. And I promised Jeannie I’d stop by after work to have a look at her plans. You know, her remodel plans.”

“Why?” she asked.

“I have some experience,” he said. “And she knows I have no interest in taking advantage of her.”

“You’re talking about her a lot,” Adele said.

Jake smiled at her. “I’d think you were jealous if I hadn’t already waited a long time for you to even notice me.”

“Now you’re being silly. I’ve more than noticed you. I’m just the slow moving, cautious type.”

“If you don’t pick up a little speed, we’ll both be too old to enjoy life by the time you get into the passing lane.”

“Now you’re teasing me,” she said.

“No. I’m not. We’ve been over this.”

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked down the sidewalk.

She noticed his wide shoulders under his leather jacket; his narrow waist. He had his hands in the pockets of his jeans and took long strides down the sidewalk. Jake wasn’t just well built and strong, he was also handsome. But above all, he was kind and honest. For all that Marty was a player, Jake was steadfast.

It was just that he had been her best friend for her entire adult life. Could your best friend also be your passion? Because when she thought about being in love, the image that came to mind was someone exciting. Someone irresistible. Not someone she was already so comfortable with. It would be like dating her brother.

Yet she loved him. She couldn’t imagine life without him.

Justine was sitting on the sofa, idly reading or texting on her phone. The girls were not in Copyright 2016 - 2024