The Sun Sister (The Seven Sisters #6) - Lucinda Riley Page 0,294

and dying slow and painful deaths. Many of them leave children behind. Electra, do it for your momma, for the terrible end she suffered. I . . .’

I looked at my grandmother’s eyes, which were positively blazing with passion, and realised how she had become such an icon. She was even managing to half convince me that I should stand up there in front of millions of people and talk about my addiction.

‘But it’s a Concert for Africa, Stella, and besides—’

‘Yes, it is! And where are your ancestors from originally, Electra? Where am I from? Those people out there – women in particular – don’t have the platform that we do. We’re here to speak on their behalf, don’t you see?’

‘Okay, okay, Stella, whoah.’ I took some deep breaths. ‘Let me think about it for a while, will you? I’m just not sure I’m ready to tell the world about my . . . problems, you know? It will follow me forever if I do.’

‘I get that, Electra, but equally, it might mean that you receive the level of publicity and funds for your drop-in centre that you could only dream about. This kind of opportunity only comes once in a blue moon.’

Suddenly, my idea of designing a clothing range began to feel very small in comparison to what Stella was suggesting.

‘Can I think it over? Please, Stella?’

‘Of course you can. And I’m sorry to land this on you today after the trauma of hearing about your momma, but if you were going to do it, I’d have to let them know so they can schedule you in.’

‘When is it?’

‘Saturday night.’

‘Shit!’ I said. ‘Sorry to swear, but that’s real soon.’

‘Yes, it is, which is why I need an answer from you by tomorrow.’

‘Well, I’m seeing Miles tonight – the guy that was in rehab with me. I mean, he wasn’t actually in rehab because he’s recovered, but anyway, it’s a long story.’

‘He must be pretty special – you’re lit up tonight, honey,’ Stella smiled, repeating what Lizzie had said to me earlier.

‘Thanks. Hey Stella, did you never find another man to light you up?’

‘Not in the way you mean, but don’t worry your head about me, honey, I haven’t gone without when I needed some company. Anyway, let’s leave that be now, because the other thing I wanted to say to you is that I would like to, in the fullness of time, take you to Kenya, show you the place where I was born, and where your forefathers and mothers, the Maasai, live. I know you’ve heard me talk about it, Electra, but until you’ve seen it for yourself, you just can’t comprehend the beauty. For years I’ve thought that when I retire, I’d move back there – I still own Bill’s cottage by Lake Naivasha – but my retirement never seems to come. And, of course, I’m not going anywhere until after the election in November. It’ll be the proudest moment I ever have if I live to see a black president get into office.’

‘Yeah, it will be amazing,’ I agreed, suddenly understanding the resonance and magnitude of such an event for every black person across the world. ‘I . . . wanted to ask you something.’

‘What’s that, honey?’

‘I just bought a house a few weeks ago – it’s down in Tucson – and since I started to understand how much suffering and poverty and abuse there is in the world, I’ve begun to feel guilty that I bought it.’

‘No, Electra, you really shouldn’t. Life can never be fair – there will always be the rich and the poor – even Jesus himself admitted that in the Bible. So enjoy your wealth, but be prepared to use your privilege to help those who haven’t been so lucky. It’s obvious you’re not greedy for material things anyway.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yes. How much of you is in this apartment, for example?’ Stella waved an arm around the room. ‘I bet you’ve hardly touched your money, have you?’

‘To be honest, no, I haven’t, until I bought my house this month.’

‘There you are then. It’s because its accumulation doesn’t interest you.’

‘Well, it might if I didn’t have it,’ I retorted, and my grandmother laughed.

‘True. You really are something, Miss Missy,’ she smiled as the concierge phone rang.

I checked my watch and saw Miles was ten minutes early.

‘Who’s that?’

‘Miles, but he’ll just have to wait downstairs until we’re finished.’

‘Invite him up, for heaven’s sake. Don’t leave the poor guy down there by himself,’ she ordered Copyright 2016 - 2024