The Sun Sister (The Seven Sisters #6) - Lucinda Riley Page 0,190

day, and so I am sitting outside at a picnic table, and looking across a valley (or ‘glen’, as it’s called here) that is turning a glorious purple with heather as we speak.

The first thing I wanted to say to you is that I am your sister and even though it was sweet of you to apologise to me, it was totally unnecessary. I can’t think of one thing you’ve ever done or said to me that would warrant an apology – everyone calls me a ‘snowflake’, so that really isn’t a problem! – but it was just so lovely to hear from you.

Ma told me a while ago that you’d decided to get help for your problems and honestly, Electra, I’m so proud of you. It’s incredibly difficult to ask for help, isn’t it? But making that leap is the important thing. I’m not sure if you’re out yet – I haven’t spoken to Ma or Maia in a while as I’ve been so busy – but wherever you are, I just want to send you the biggest hug and tell you that I’ve been thinking about you every day and praying for you in my own ‘Tiggy’ way. I know you’re not a great one for ‘woo-woo’, as you always used to call it, but all I can say is I feel that you’re massively protected, and will come out of what must have been such a difficult experience better and stronger and more beautiful than you ever were.

As for me, I don’t think that I’ve ever been so happy! Maybe Ma told you that I’d had some health problems recently, and although I won’t be swimming the length of Lake Geneva anytime soon, as long as I take care of myself and don’t overdo it, I should live a long while yet.

Isn’t it amazing how something good often seems to come from the bad? Well, out of my difficult health (and a shooting incident that sounds much more dramatic than it was, but I’ll tell you about that some other time), I have met The Love Of My Life. It’s a bit of a cliché, because he’s a doctor and he specialises in hearts, which is the part of me that’s had the problem. His name is Charlie Kinnaird and I’m ashamed to say that he is still a married man just now, with a wife who you would say was from hell! She’s certainly a very difficult character anyway, but the good news is they also have a daughter called Zara, who is from heaven! She’s seventeen and is currently at agricultural college, because one day she will take over forty-thousand acres of the most spectacular Scottish land you’ve ever seen (Charlie is actually a laird, which in Scotland means he’s a lord, but he never bothers with his title). He’s just moved hospitals so that he can be closer to me and Zara and to sort out the estate, which really does need a lot of time and even more money invested in it. Anyway, it’s all a bit of a mess at the moment, one way and another, but ironically, as I sit here gazing across the glen, I feel totally content, because I know that I have found the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I’m lucky enough to be doing that in the most beautiful surroundings I could ever wish for.

Also, I don’t know whether you ever opened your letter from Pa Salt? I opened mine and it sent me down a rabbit warren into my past. And, well, put it this way, if you think I’m a little ‘woo-woo’, you should meet Angelina, who is my seventy-year-old cousin! It turns out that I am descended from Romany gypsies in Andalusia, which goes a long way to explaining who I am and the weird things I’ve always seen and felt. When it’s all calmed down a little here, I intend to explore that side of me further, and I’m already working alongside the local vet, putting to use what Angelina has taught me about natural healing and treating animals. Eventually, I’ve decided that I’d like to help humans too with my gift, but for now, one step at a time.

Anyway, darling sis, I do hope you haven’t forgotten our trip on the Titan to lay a wreath on the anniversary of Pa’s death; everyone else has said they can come, even CeCe, who you might Copyright 2016 - 2024