The Sun Sister (The Seven Sisters #6) - Lucinda Riley Page 0,133

got me hooked on the junk.’

‘Because I said I wouldn’t leave your side last night, and I didn’t. At the end of the day, you’ve got two choices: you trust us and the professionals who want to help you, or you go back to your old life.’

‘Or I end it and leave you all behind,’ Vanessa muttered.

‘Remember, you’re doing well,’ said Miles. ‘You’ve been off the hard stuff for almost two weeks now.’

‘Yeah, and it worked out so good I tried to kill myself.’ Vanessa rolled her eyes, pushed her breakfast tray away and stared at the ceiling.

I looked at Miles for guidance.

‘Me and Electra are just gonna go out and have a chat,’ he said, standing up.

‘Yeah, you guys had enough of me already, see?’

I opened my mouth to speak but Miles shook his head and I followed him out of the door.

‘Shit! She’s so negative!’

‘The doc says she’s got post-withdrawal depression and she needs a shrink to prescribe her some meds that will help.’

‘But the doc also said that Vanessa is off the junk now and just needs the right help and support to keep her off. So that’s got to be positive.’

‘Yeah. Look, I’m sorry I lost it earlier, Electra. I know you only want to help her.’

‘Yeah, I do, but I understand she needs more than I can give her.’ I felt so tired, physically and mentally, that I was swaying where I stood.

‘Why don’t you go back and get some sleep? I’ll stay with her. One of The Ranch nurses has arrived to drive you back in their jeep. There’s nothing more you can do here.’

‘I will. I feel totally out of it, to be honest. I’ll come say goodbye to Vanessa first.’

‘Okay, then I’ll just use the facilities while you do.’ He smiled at me and walked off down the corridor.

‘Vanessa? Are you awake?’ I asked as I stood looking at her. I got a shrug in return. ‘Listen, I just wanted to tell you that the doc says you’ll be out of here as soon as you’re feeling better.’

‘An’ then they send me to a funny farm, right?’

‘No, Vanessa, I swear on my life I won’t let that happen to you. I’m going back to New York tomorrow and—’

‘So you’re leavin’ me after all?’

‘No! I’m going back so I can sort stuff out to help you. And other kids like you who get into trouble. Please, Vanessa, trust me. Miles and I are gonna make sure you get the best care we can find. I won’t abandon you, I swear.’

‘Then take me with you. I wanna get outta here now,’ Vanessa moaned.

‘Listen to me now, and listen good,’ I said, my grandmother’s words suddenly coming to mind. ‘You’ve had a shit time, but when you needed it most, help appeared. And now you’ve got it, when a lot of kids like you don’t. I’m not saying I’m your fairy godmother, or Miles either . . .’

I watched the tiniest of smiles appear on Vanessa’s lips.

‘But,’ I continued, ‘we are here, and you are safe and we are gonna get you well, okay? And one day, you are gonna help others like you’ve been helped.’

I don’t know how I knew this, but somehow I just did. (‘Tiggy’ was becoming my middle name.)

‘So, missy, you do what the docs tell you and count yourself lucky, okay? And I’ll see you in New York and when you’re fixed, we’ll go for a fancy dinner someplace. And everyone, including Tyler, will see you with me in a magazine and know you’re a winner, not a loser.’

‘That’d be cool,’ Vanessa said eventually. ‘Swear on that?’

‘I already did. And you know what?’


‘Your hair will always look better than mine. Love you, Vanessa. See you soon.’

I kissed the top of her head and left the room. Miles was waiting in the corridor.

‘All okay?’

‘Yup. I’m off now. Keep me updated.’

‘I will.’


‘Oh, and the jeep’s parked discreetly round the back of the hospital,’ he called before disappearing into Vanessa’s room.

As I stepped into The Ranch jeep, for the first time ever I appreciated my fame and what it could do for others. I had power. And now it was time to channel that into something positive.

‘So, are you sure you want to leave tomorrow morning?’ said Fi later that afternoon, after I’d had some sleep and we had discussed the events of the night before. ‘Why not stay on? Last night was a traumatic experience for you, Electra.’

‘Because I need to go,’ Copyright 2016 - 2024