Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,95

to block out the images that flooded my mind. “Is she awake?”

“Yes, she’s awake. She hasn’t said much. Kipa is with her right now.”

“Good,” I said, though it crossed my mind that Kipa might not have the best bedside manner. Though, when it came to Raven, he probably was in there doting over her. “I’d like to see her as soon as I can.”

“That will be a few days. I want both of you to rest up here. Angel sends her love. Herne let her and the rest of your office know what happened. He’s outside, waiting to talk to you, along with Ashera and Morgana.”

I glanced down. I was in a white eyelet nightgown, which made me feel distinctly out of place, but I was decent. “All right. I’m ready.”

“I’ll show them in.” He paused. “Do you need to talk to our counselor? You took some pretty rough damage there and generally, when Pandora hurts somebody, they’re scarred both emotionally and physically.”

I thought about it for a moment. I didn’t feel scarred, so much as angry. Pandora had made herself an enemy, and while I had no idea what—if anything—I could do about it, I wanted revenge. For myself, for her victims, and mostly, for Raven.

“Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m fine.”

Whether he believed me or not, I couldn’t tell, but Ferosyn nodded and left the room. A moment later, the door opened again, and Herne, Morgana, and Ashera entered.

Herne was first to my side, and he gently sat on the bed, leaning in to give me a long, searching kiss. “My love. I’m so sorry, I’m so…” He choked on the words, tears in his eyes. “I should have known better than to let you go in there. I was such a fool.”

I raised my left hand, wincing as the motion made the burns hurt like hell. But I reached out and stroked his face. “Herne, it wasn’t your fault. The dragons said Pandora was out. We needed to find Raven, and you had to fight them. We did what we had to do, based on what we thought we knew. What happened to the dragons, by the way? Did you kill them?”

“They took some damage, but finally Mother called up a massive storm and chased them away with lightning bolts.” He glanced at his mother. “She saved our asses. Dragons are a good match for the gods and while they can’t kill us, they can do a lot of damage.”

“The minute they left, we came after you,” Morgana said. “We arrived just in time to see her attacking Trinity. Merlin chased her out with his blast of sunlight. Pandora works her best magic during the twilight or dusk. Bright light sends her scuttling for shelter, but it must be a light so brilliant that it would burn her.”

“How is Trinity?” I said.

“He took a beating, but he’s up and walking around. He came out better than you did.” Morgana paused. “You’re lucky you managed to contact Ashera.”

I glanced over at the blue dragon lady. “I have no idea how that happened. How did you hear me?”

Ashera regarded me solemnly. “I felt your energy when I was spying on Pandora and Aso and Variance—the white dragons. They’re twins, you know. A deadly pair who managed to slip through without us realizing it.”

I blinked. “Us? Us…who?”

Herne pulled up a chair and sat down by my bedside. “It’s rather complicated. Apparently, the core of the Dragonni—the dragon folk—are splintered in their opinions of what to do when Typhon returns. Ashera belongs to the Star Dragonni…she can explain it better than I can.”

Ashera turned to me. “There are three factions among the Dragonni. First, the Star Dragonni are descended from the Celestial Wanderers. We are the blue dragons of the waters, the silver dragons of the stars, and the golden dragons of the sun. We do not believe in meddling in human affairs—and that goes for shifters, Fae, and the like. We almost always side with the Earth Dragonni, who are descended from the Mountain Dreamers. They’re the green dragons of the earth and the black dragons from the deep caverns and high mountain crags. But…there are those who don’t share our views.”

“Let me guess,” I said. “Fire dragons? Air dragons?”

She gave me a succinct nod. “Yes, actually. The red dragons of fire, the white dragons of the winds, and the shadowed dragons of the underworld are descended from the Luminous Warriors. They are born to conquer, and they thirst Copyright 2016 - 2024