Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,89

his daughter’s lead and levitated down to the valley.

As we neared the bottom of the valley, there was a movement by the pile of rocks that half-cloaked the cave entrance. I prepared myself, wondering what Pandora was going to send at us.

But instead of a golden-haired woman, two men stepped out from behind the rock piles. They were both pale as the moon, almost albino, with long white hair and glowing silver eyes. Taller than even the Fomorian giants, they were lean, and their hair swirled around them like capes. They were dressed in silver cloaks over ice blue trousers and shirts, and they looked like twins. One held a long spear, the other a wickedly sharp sword.

“Halt.” The one with the sword pointed it directly at us. “Leave this place and we will spare you, but leave now.”

I stared at them, trying to place what I was feeling. They were gorgeous, but there was a poisonous feel to them, as though anything that came in contact with them would corrode away. I slid off Herne’s back and he turned back into himself. Viktor joined him and Morgana, while Trinity, Merlin, and I stood behind them.

“Send out your mistress while you can,” Morgana said, her voice echoing through the barren meadow.

The men just stared at her, their expressions impassive. “She’s not here. Leave. Now.”

“We aren’t going to leave,” Herne said, stepping forward. “Your mistress is holding one of our friends. We want her back safely.” His hand was on his sword.

“When Pandora returns, you’ll wish you would have listened to us. Consider yourself duly warned,” said the one with the spear. He raised his weapon, spear tip to the sky, and called out in a loud voice. A swirl of wind surrounded him and he rose up on it, one hand out toward us. Something was emerging from his palm. At first it was difficult to see what it was, but then, as it sailed toward us, I realized it was a twister. A vortex of wind, it spiraled our way, picking up loose rocks as it skittered across the floor of the barren valley.

“Cripes, it’s a tornado!” As I yelled, Herne grabbed me and threw me to one side, sprawling over me. I couldn’t see what was going on, but the vortex turned and it was bearing down on us.

“Hail prevail!” Morgana’s voice cut through the evening as a band of hail, so harsh that it could cut our skin, sailed over our heads to pelt our enemies.

I peeked out from beneath Herne’s shelter just in time to see the vortex of wind and the band of hail collide. There were sputters as both attacks died out. Herne jumped up, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. He dragged me to one side. We were near the opening now.

“I’m going in there to find Raven,” I said.

Herne shook his head. “Pandora—”

“Pandora’s not here—you heard them. Will you be all right fighting them?”

“I hope so,” he said, holding tight to my shoulders. “You know what they are, don’t you?” He nodded back to the two men.

I shook my head. “No, I have no clue.”

“White dragons. Vicious brutes who control the wind. Make no mistake, they will kill you if they catch you. So avoid them. And if something happens while you’re inside, if for some reason—” He paused, the look on his face bleak.

“Don’t say it,” I whispered. “I’ll find Raven and everything will be all right.”

“If something happens, do whatever you need to in order to escape. I love you.” He kissed me briefly then pushed me toward the opening.

I ducked behind the rocks, peeking out to see that Morgana was engaged in a battle with the dragons—wind versus water. I couldn’t tell who was winning. I wondered why Merlin wasn’t doing anything, but then remembered, he had said he needed to save his strength. Kipa was racing down the mountain, his wolves at his heels, and Herne and Viktor headed over to help Morgana as I ducked into the opening.

I tried to control my breathing as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I couldn’t see a thing, not even the floor, and outside, they were fighting with the dragons. Nobody was going to come to my rescue. But the next moment, someone cupped my elbow.

I almost shrieked, but managed to stop myself. Freezing in place, I slowly exhaled, trying to place the scent. Then I knew who it was.

“Trinity? Is that you?” I kept my voice Copyright 2016 - 2024