Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,80

a fondness for Arthur and wanted me to marry him. I refused. We fought and I ran away, leaving everyone behind. When I had Herne, some years later, my mother got my father to relent. We met and made up, and we’ve been on good terms since then.”

I thought over what she said. What would happen when…if…Herne and I made it to the altar? I was wearing his promise ring. That didn’t mean we’d end up married, but it was a step along that direction. I wanted to ask more but the doorbell rang.

Morgana paused. “That must be my father. Herne,” she called over to where the men were sitting. “Please let your grandfather in.”

Herne jumped up and ran to the door. I stood, uncertain as to what to say or do. Morgana flashed me a reassuring smile.

“It will be all right. My father likes the Fae—both sides.” She cleared her throat as Herne returned. Behind him was a man of medium height, who was wearing a long gray cloak over a pair of jeans and a pale blue shirt. Merlin’s hair was silver, down to his waist and caught back in a ponytail. His eyes glittered with the same blue as Morgana’s, and I could see the family resemblance.

He spotted her, and the sober expression on his face gave way and he opened his arms. “My daughter, well met.” As she moved forward for a three-way hug with Merlin and Herne, I glanced over at Viktor, who gave me a thumbs-up.

“Now,” Merlin said, pulling back. “Tell me what’s going on and why you called me. I know Typhon is coming, but what weighs so heavily that you need my immediate help?”

Morgana motioned to me. “This is Ember Kearney. She’s Herne’s consort. One of her friends has been kidnapped by Pandora and we need your help in getting the girl back.”

The smile vanished and Merlin turned to me, his expression grave. “Oh, my dear. If Pandora has her, we may already be too late.” And just like that, he swept to the table and we gathered around to make plans.

Chapter Eighteen

I kept stealing surreptitious glances at Merlin as we laid out everything we knew. He would give his utmost attention to whomever was speaking at the time, totally focused on what they were saying. When I told him about our visit to Fire & Fang, I found it almost unnerving to be under his scrutiny.

Morgana said, “When I talked to Arawn and Cerridwen, they showed me a nearby mountain that Pandora appears to be using for her hideout. Raven’s there. For some reason, she’s chosen a different location than usual. Cerridwen was able to tell me that.”

My ears perked up. “Mountain? Like the mountain I saw?”

“I think so. It’s a barren place, with scrub brush growing on it but few trees. It’s actually a hill, although in some places it would be called a mountain. Mount Bracken. It’s up on Highway 2, near the Skykomish River. Have you heard of it?” Morgana leaned back, frowning. “I don’t know the topography of the area here, so I’m not exactly sure how far that is.”

Herne pulled out his phone and began tapping away. “Give me a moment. All right, here it is. It’s somewhere near Lake Serene, and the Bridal Veil Falls Trailhead. It would take us about two hours to get up there, if we start now. Perhaps less, depending on traffic.” He looked up at me. “How much time do you think we have?”

Taken aback by the question, I shrugged. “I don’t know. Morgana?”

She, too, gave a shrug. “It would be helpful if there’s a portal in the area. It would cut a great deal of time off your travel and it would make it easier to get her back here, in case Pandora has already roughed her up.”

“Let me give a call. I know exactly the person who would have that information.” Herne moved away from the table.

I noticed Merlin watching him. “Have you had much time to spend with your grandson over the years?” I ventured. I wasn’t certain whether it was an appropriate question, but I was curious. How much time had Herne spent with his grandfather?

Merlin shook his head. “It would be nice to spend time with Herne. But I’m always on the go, it seems. I was on the go when his mother was young, too. That’s one of the few things I regret in my life.” He looked over at Morgana, who shrugged.

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