Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,74

hunt—Mielikki’s Arrow, Odin’s Chase, and Diana’s Hounds—are sending their agents into the guilds to discuss matters. In fact, I was about to call a meeting with the Wild Hunt for just that reason.”

“What are we going to do about Raven?” Kipa asked, his face ashen. “Do you think that the killer has her? Do you think it’s truly one of Typhon’s emissaries?”

I glanced at Herne. I had the feeling we were both thinking the same thing, given the revelations that Morgana had dumped on our shoulders. “We need to speak with Eldris again. I’m pretty sure that whoever Typhon’s emissary for this area is, is working through the Spooks. That’s the only place in Seattle that most of the necromancers and bone witches gather.”

“One thing,” Trefoil said. “That signature out there? It’s definitely feminine, and I’d say someone who’s batshit crazy.”

“Let me call my father.” Morgana abruptly stood and headed toward the hallway, pulling out her phone.

I was trying to take everything in that it happened. All of the sudden, we had gone from a simple serial killer to an emissary from Typhon, who—along with others—was sweeping through the world attempting to kill off anybody who could deal with the dead. And that meant that Typhon’s emissaries were everywhere.

“If they’re killing off those who deal with the dead, what else are they going to do?” Talia murmured.

“I wonder if Raven’s still alive,” I whispered.

“The killer usually dumps the bodies on Monday, so I think we can assume that Raven is still alive. Unfortunately, our serial killer, or emissary if you like, has a thirst for pain.” Yutani stopped, as if suddenly realizing what he had just said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“No, we know you didn’t. It’s just—it’s Raven out there. Viktor,” I said. “Can you call Erica and see if she’s heard anything about the APBs?”

“I’ll do that right now,” Viktor said, pushing back his chair and pulling out his phone. “While I’m at it, I can get an update on Sheila’s attacker.”

While he called Erica, I stared at my plate, moving the food around. I had lost every ounce of my appetite. Herne, who was sitting next to me, reached out and took my hand. I looked at him, needing the reassurance in his eyes, but I was surprised to see that even he looked shaken.

Viktor returned, shaking his head. “They found Raven’s car. It was ditched on a side street near the entrance to the 520 floating bridge. Erica’ll let me know if they find any prints. But given what Morgana said, somehow I doubt they’re going to be able to place any fingerprints they might find.”

“How’s the search for Sheila’s attacker, and how is she?”

“The hospital called me this morning with an update. She’s going to be all right, but she still can’t even attempt to talk. As far as the freak who slashed her, Erica said they’re on his tail.” Viktor pressed his lips together, remaining surprisingly calm.

Morgana returned at that moment. “My father will be here shortly. Herne, he wants you to pick him up a list of supplies.” She handed him a paper.

“Grandpa is coming here?”

Trefoil almost choked on his coffee. “Grandpa? You call Merlin Grandpa? One of the most powerful magicians ever?”

“Well, he is my grandfather.” Herne glanced over the paper. “What’s he planning?”

“Don’t ask, just follow directions. Meanwhile, Ember?”

“Yes, Morgana?” I stood, ready to do whatever she needed.

“We need to go into Raven’s ritual room.” She glanced at the others around the table. “Angel, I need you, too.”

Angel blinked. “Me?”

“Yes, I need two of Raven’s friends who are close to her. But Kipa’s too emotionally involved. Meanwhile, Llewellyn, you and Trefoil cordon off the energy signature. We don’t want anybody disrupting it. Kipa, go with Herne. It will keep you occupied. Meadow, my father asks that you go print off any information that you received from the Force Majeure.”

“What should we do?” Yutani asked. He motioned to Viktor, Talia, and himself.

“Call Eldris,” I interjected. “Tell him we need the fucking truth. We need to know anything about a woman who joined the Spooks within the past few weeks.” I paused. “Last night, I saw Raven talking to a woman. She seemed deep in conversation.” I thought back to the evening before. “She was beautiful with a capital B. She had long blond hair, she looked highly toned, and she was wearing leather pants and a black sweater. I remember her because she was so stunning.” I shook my head, suddenly Copyright 2016 - 2024