Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,59

us, and we were in Fire & Fang.

The club looked just about as I had pictured it.

Multiple booths lined the walls, each shadowed in privacy, with candles burning on the table. A few couples were dancing, while several seating areas were full of customers. The din echoed through the club, a hundred voices all talking at once. A spiral staircase on one side led up to a door. The bar itself was made of polished marble, and almost every bar stool was taken. Yutani spied a couple of empty stools and, with a look at Raven, he and I moved toward them.

Raven barely acknowledged us, but instead made a beeline for one of the seating areas. There were approximately twenty people there, and the energy emanating from that corner made my stomach knot. Magic, heavy magic. That had to be the Spooks.

Yutani and I reached the bar and settled ourselves on the stools.

“What’ll you have?” The barkeep was a tall, thin woman, who looked like she had eaten too little for too long. But her arms looked compact, and I had the feeling she had more muscle than she knew what to do with.

“Whiskey for me. A cognac for my pet.” Yutani tossed a bill on the table and the bartender nodded, moving away to pour our drinks.

Remembering Wager’s advice, I played with my drink after the bartender slid it in front of me. Yutani took one small sip and then set his drink down.

“Pardon me,” a soft voice came from behind us. We turned to find a long-haired blond vamp standing there. His eyes were piercing blue, but they were beginning to haze over with red, and he licked his lips, not bothering to hide the tips of his fangs. He was wearing leather pants, no shirt, and had at least four gold chains draped around his neck. He was gorgeous, and his vampiric glamour was hitting me full force. He meant business.

I forced myself to remain silent. As Yutani’s pet, it wasn’t my place to speak.

Yutani gave the vamp a slow once-over, a sly smile crooking his lips. “Yes? What can I do for you?”

The vamp held his gaze for a moment, still smiling. Then, he turned to me. “Is she available? I’ll pay you well and I promise to leave her unmarked.”

I suddenly realized I was getting wet. Feeling confused and then frightened, I tried to force myself to look away from him, but I couldn’t seem to lower my gaze. He promised passion and sex and nights unending, and all of the allure hit me like a rolling wave, stirring my Leannan Sidhe blood into full force. I tried to rein myself in. It wasn’t safe to let that side of myself out. Not here, not with so much raw sex and lust running through the club.

Yutani took one look at me and slowly stepped between the vampire and me. “I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to accept offers yet. Come back later, friend.”

The vampire looked frustrated and his eyes were fully crimson now, but he pulled his glamour back and stiffened. “I will return. My name is Eldris, if you change your mind. And I do pay very well.” He abruptly turned and slid through the crowds, looking for other marks.

Yutani leaned in as if he were going to kiss my neck, but he lingered over my ear. “That was dangerous. I can feel your energy from here. You have to rein yourself in or you’re going to attract more than we can handle.”

“It’s not my fault,” I whispered back. “If I stood up right now, my stool would be sopping wet and so would the back of my dress. I’ve never been around a vampire that strong. Hell, I’ve hardly ever been around any vampires and I didn’t expect to respond to him that way.”

“He’s old. Very old, to have as much power as he does.” Yutani pulled away.

The bartender returned to where we were sitting. “You’ve stirred some powerful interest, friend. You’d best watch your footing. Eldris is the manager of the club, and he gets what he wants.” She eyed me, biting her lip, then turned back to Yutani. “If you don’t want to rent her out, I advise you to leave the club now to avoid a confrontation. The first time, Eldris asks. The second time, he takes.”

I tried to catch her gaze. She was human, and I could work my own fair share of glamour. It occurred to me she Copyright 2016 - 2024