Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,53

bread as I handed it to Angel, who was putting the food away as I unpacked the bags.

“You should call Raven. Though she’s a little curvier than you, you can still wear some of her clothes. I bet she has something like that.”

“Good idea,” I said, pulling out my phone. When Raven answered, I explained what I needed and she affirmed that she had a couple outfits that might work.

“I’ll bring them with me when I come over. I’ll come a little early so we can go shopping if what I bring isn’t quite right.”

“Sounds good. See you at around four-ish?”

“Let’s make it three-thirty.” She signed off and I went back to helping Angel put away the groceries.

Raven had left Raj at home, but Kipa was with her, obviously as reluctant as Herne was about us going. To my surprise, Herne showed up with Yutani.

“I managed to free some time, but I’ll have to leave in half an hour,” he said, looking grim.

“Come on,” Raven said, motioning to the stairs. “Let’s try these on you.”

I followed her up the stairs, leaving Angel and the men to talk. We closed the door to my bedroom and Raven laid out the dresses on the bed. She had found three. One was a mini-dress, all right—a wiggle dress. It had a plunging square neckline and long sleeves that would cover up my tattoo. The second looked suspiciously like a chemise with spaghetti straps. And the third was a black cocktail dress that looked a little too formal.

“I think the first would be best,” I said. “That way, my tattoo will be covered. Though I’m not looking forward trying to get into it.”

“Good point. Here, I brought some ballet flats that have velvet ankle ribbons. These should work with the dress.” She set them beside the wiggle dress and they looked like a good match. “Take off your clothes. You’ll want to go commando, because anything you wear underneath will show.”

I grimaced. “I don’t usually go without underwear. What about my bra? Gravity isn’t pretty, you know.”

“Well, the dress is tight enough that it should act like a support system. It does for me. Here, strip and hold your hands up and I’ll help get it over your head.” She motioned for me to undress. “Hey, Wager called me this morning. He found out a few more things, but I’d rather tell you and Yutani together.”

“All right, we can discuss it when we get to Charlie’s.” I tossed my jeans and tank on the bed. Reluctantly, I took off my underwear and bra and held my arms up. I wasn’t self-conscious. Nudity among the Fae wasn’t all that important.

Raven slid the dress over my head and I poked my arms through the sleeves. She scrunched the material like you do with pantyhose, and then tugged it over my boobs while I shifted them so they wouldn’t be flattened against my chest. She was right—the material held them in place, though I could clearly see my nipples. Finally, the dress was down to my waist and while she tugged on the back, I tugged on the front. It barely reached my upper thighs, but I wasn’t worried about it riding up. Even my corsets didn’t feel this snug. I might as well be wearing a body-length girdle.

“Crap, this dress is making me claustrophobic.” I glanced in the mirror. Every curve of my body was accentuated beneath the side ruching. “I feel more naked than I did without my clothes.”

She bit her lip, staring at me for a moment. “You look more naked, to be honest. It works on you, though, and it’s perfect for where we’re going.” She walked me over to the mirror.

The dress was low cut, the wide square neck barely skimming my nipples. The sleeves came down to my wrists, and the material clung to my hips. I was aware of every single inch of my body, especially the fact that I wasn’t wearing underwear. The dress was sex on a hanger.

“Wow.” I stared at myself, unable to pry my gaze away from my reflection. “I’m…”

“Hot. Sizzling. Here, sit down.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Just keep your legs together when you do.” She guided me onto my vanity bench and I pressed my knees together. Raven undid my ponytail, brushing my long locks and using a curling iron to give the waves even more curl. They fell around my shoulders, cascading down my back. Raven pinned one side back with a red Copyright 2016 - 2024