Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,49

her head. “No, but we know who he is. We got a good description from the bystanders, and one of them recognized him. I have a picture I want to show Sheila when she’s able to be questioned.”

“Her throat was cut. The doctor has yet to let us know how she’s doing,” Herne said.

“I know her throat was cut. I was there. I was one of the cops on the job. I’m the one who called Viktor. But the sooner we positively ID this guy, the sooner we can pick him up. We don’t want to go after him now, because he’s a lot more than just a streep.”

“Oh?” Angel asked.

Erica sighed, brushing a strand of long blond hair out of her face. She was Dark Fae, but unlike most of her comrades on the force, she never turned up her nose at me. “His name is Falcon Smith, and he hangs around the streeps for a good reason, which is why people think he’s one of them. In actuality, he’s a crackalaine dealer. Sometimes, in between shipments, he’s been known to get fucked up and go on robbery sprees. We’ve busted him a number of times, but he’s got a sharp lawyer and he always gets off. I think he may be the front for a bigger operation run by vamps. And—”

“They own the financial district and can pay off just about anybody,” Herne said, sighing. “Please do not tell Viktor or he’s likely to hunt down Falcon and kill him. Wait until we know for sure?”

Erica nodded. “I feel bad keeping things from the big guy, but I agree.” She stopped abruptly as Viktor finished talking on the phone and returned to the waiting area.

“Erica! Tell me you caught the guy?”

She shook her head. “Not yet, but we have some leads. I dropped in to check on Sheila’s condition.”

“We don’t—” Viktor paused as a doctor in a white coat approached us. A tall black woman, she was carrying a chart and had a weary look on her face.

“I’m Dr. Fuhrman. Are you waiting for news about Sheila Masters?” the doctor asked.

“I’m her boyfriend,” Viktor said. “How is she? Will she be all right?”

The doctor said nothing but opened the chart. “Have you notified her family?”

“Yes, her mother’s on the way. Her father died last year.” Viktor’s voice was trembling. “Please tell me how she is, doctor.”

“Well, she sustained a lot of damage to her throat. The knife clipped her vocal cords and I’m not sure how much trouble she’ll have speaking when they heal up. But she’s in stable condition. We managed to get enough blood back in her so she’s not in danger any longer. She lost a lot of blood. The assailant also stabbed her shoulder. I ended up giving her seventy-three stitches on her throat and neck, and twenty stitches on her arm. The beating left her with two broken ribs and a bruised hip, but luckily, the ribs didn’t puncture a lung. She’s groggy, but if you’d like to see her, I can let you talk to her for a few minutes. She won’t be able to speak, and I don’t want her upset, or trying to speak, do you understand?” Dr. Fuhrman gave Viktor a stern look.

“I understand. Thank you, thank you for saving her life.”

“Dr. Fuhrman? I need to see her too. I have a couple questions, but she can answer yes or no with her hand. I just need her to identify a picture.” Erica held up her hand as Viktor started to speak. “Don’t even ask. Right now, you can help me best by keeping clear of the investigation.”

“Who the hell…you have more than just a lead, don’t you?” Viktor glared at Erica.

“Yes we do, but the last thing I need is for you to go running off after someone we think may be guilty. We don’t know for sure and I don’t want you mucking up the investigation, do you understand? There are…obstacles…in this case, and we need to handle it carefully.” Erica turned back to the doctor. “Perhaps it’s best if I see her first and then I’ll be on my way. I promise you, I’ll try not to agitate her.”

Viktor sputtered but the doctor, taking one look at him, agreed and escorted Erica back through the double doors leading to the ER rooms. Herne clapped Viktor on the shoulder and forcibly led him back to the sofa. Talia joined them. She could usually calm Viktor down when Copyright 2016 - 2024