Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,47

what to expect, or of how the killer would retaliate, if they figured out what we were doing. But I raised my glass, joining the toast, hoping that we’d find a little good luck on our side.

Everyone had left except Herne. Angel was in her room, folding clothes. Herne sat on my bed with Mr. Rumblebutt snuggled against him. He absently stroked his fur, and Mr. Rumblebutt was purring loud enough to wake the dead.

“So, my mother said you were taken aback by what she asked you to do. And before you ask, she didn’t tell me what that was.” He lay across the bed on his side as I took off my makeup and brushed out my hair.

“Yeah,” I said, setting down my brush and turning around. “It seems that my Leannan Sidhe blood is getting…bottlenecked. I need to use those powers more frequently, and she suggested that I let them out when we’re…when you and I are…” I blushed, suddenly feeling awkward, given Morgana was his mother and had been talking about our sex life.

“In bed?” Herne said.

I nodded. “Yeah, and I’m kind of freaking out about it. I know I can’t hurt you—that’s not the problem. But what if you like me better that way?”

“I love you no matter what. But say I do enjoy it. What would be the problem? It’s not like you’re a different person. You’re just going to explore another side of your nature. It’s not like you’ve got multiple personalities.” He sat up, crossing his legs. “I love you, Ember. I love all of you. I love you when you’re gentle, and I love you when you’re a spitfire—both in bed and out. No matter what, I’m going to enjoy making love to you, regardless of whether you’re climbing all over me, or whether you’re curled in the nook of my arm.”

I licked my lips. “Logically I know that, but—oh, I don’t know why this is so hard for me!”

“I think I do,” Herne said. “I think you’re afraid that you’ll like that part of yourself, and the chaos frightens you. I think you’re afraid you’ll become less compassionate. But that can’t happen. Ember, you have so many facets to your personality. You’re brave and loyal, and sometimes you’re hot-headed and careless. You’re loving and true to your friends. You’re determined, and when someone throws down the gauntlet, you’re willing to charge ahead. The Leannan Sidhe blood…it’s already in play. You just haven’t fully unleashed your abilities except for the times when they’ve spontaneously risen to protect you. Why not see what you can do with them for your pleasure as well as your protection? You might find you like that side of yourself more than you think.”

He stretched out on the bed, spreading out his arms. I slowly stood, sliding out of my jeans and moving toward the bed. I had almost reached the edge when both Herne’s phone and mine rang simultaneously. I was about to ignore it, but something inside said, No, answer it. I turned to the nightstand.

Herne was faster. He was staring at his phone, his eyes dark. “Crap. Come on, get dressed. Viktor needs us.”

I grabbed my phone and brought up the group text message. Viktor had sent it to everyone. It read: sheila’s been attacked. she’s in the hospital. can you come?

“I’ll get dressed. You grab Angel and text him for directions.”

All thoughts of sex out the window, I slid my jeans and bra back on, then a clean tank top. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and shoved my feet in my boots. Within ten minutes, the three of us were heading to the hospital, praying that Sheila—Viktor’s girlfriend—was all right.

Chapter Eleven

Herne drove, with me riding shotgun and Angel right behind me. We reached the hospital in ten minutes. He dropped Angel and me at the door while he went to find a parking space. As we rushed into the ER, we saw Viktor pacing the waiting room. He had a frantic look on his face and I could see that he had been crying.

“Viktor, what happened?” I hurried over to him, Angel following.

He gave me a frantic look. “I just want to know how she is. They won’t tell me anything.”

“Let me see what I can find out,” Angel said, striding toward the admittance desk.

I led Viktor over to one of the sofas. “Come on, sit down. Herne will be here in a moment.”

He nodded, rubbing his head. “I’ve never been Copyright 2016 - 2024