Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,31

give that number around, you hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” he said with a laugh. “Thanks, seriously. When me and Shayla have a place and are settled, I’m going to pay you back for the help you gave me the other day. I promise.”

“No. Pay it forward. When you’re settled and doing better, help some other kid on the street. I’d rather you do that. Okay?” I paused, then held out my hand.

He took it, shaking slowly before he let go. “Yeah, I get it. Thanks, Ember. Really.”

“We’ve got to get to work now. You let me know when you get that job, all right?”

He waved, going back to his dancing as we dashed up the stairs to the door. I glanced back. The chances weren’t great for them, but I had the feeling Pain would do what he could to ensure that Shayla and the baby were taken care of. I just hoped that fate would be kind to them.

We walked into the break room a couple moments late and all eyes fastened on me. Herne slowly set his coffee cup on the table and straightened. I recognized the gleam in his eye and blew him a kiss. He very deliberately licked his lips and winked.

“You…look great,” Talia said with a faint grin. “Spiffing yourself up for the Fae Queens?”

I struck a pose. “What do you think? Will they hate me less because I’m bee-yoo-tee-ful?”

Yutani snorted. “Somehow I doubt the only way they’d like you any better is if you appeared naked with a collar around your neck.”

I choked, sputtering. “Well, that’s not going to happen.”

“Keep your fantasies to yourself,” Herne muttered, but he was smiling. “You make good eye candy, love. Now get yourself some coffee and plant your butt in the chair.”

Angel and I settled in with our notes, and coffee for me, and tea for her.

Herne started the meeting. “Viktor and Ember, what did you learn yesterday in your interviews?”

We filled them in on everything that had happened with Mendin’s landlady and with Isolde.

“I was thinking that maybe if we asked Raven to visit Mendin’s house, she might be able to pick up on something. I sensed some spirit activity there, but couldn’t tell what was going on.” I added, “Do you think that some disgruntled guild owner might be lashing out at members of the magic-born who refused to join one of the guilds? Even though Mendin was a tiger shifter, he worked with magic and the dead.”

“That’s an idea,” Herne said. “Write it down. We can’t afford to overlook anything. Did you and Viktor have time to trace Chaya’s jogging route after your interview with Isolde?”

Viktor shook his head. “Only a cursory look. I thought Yutani could do that today while we’re over at parley.”

“I’m game,” Yutani said. “Just give me the directions. Talia can come with me.”

Herne paused, then said, “No, take Angel.”

“What? Me?” Angel jerked around, staring at him, her eyes wide.

“Your empathic abilities may come in handy for this, and it’s a safe-enough assignment. Talia can watch the front desk and still do her research at the same time.”

“That’s fine with me,” Talia said. “I’m ferreting out background info on the murder victims and I’d rather not interrupt the process. I get in a rhythm and don’t like to let it drop.”

“Then that’s set. Angel and Yutani, head out after the meeting. The streets should be less crowded before lunch.”

Herne paused. “This is a good time to bring up another subject. I’ve decided we should have an assistant office manager, for times just like today. Angel, you do a great job, but as you progress in your magical training, we may be calling on you more. And we can always use someone to run errands and so forth. I’ve decided to offer Rafé the job. If that won’t bother you,” he said, looking directly at her. “I know it can be a strain to work with someone you’re involved with.”

“Gee, thanks,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “I appreciate that.”

“I did not mean you and you know it, so quit giving me grief, woman,” Herne said, giving me the side-eye.

“Just checking.” I pretended to study my nails, trying not to laugh.

Angel bit her lip. “Can you give me a day to think it over? I know he could use the job and it would be a good one for him, but we’re just getting back on an even track. Though I suppose he might be so busy that it wouldn’t matter.”

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