Sun Broken (The Wild Hunt #11) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,100

who is dogged by the Great Coyote, Yutani was driven out of his village over two hundred years before. He walks in the shadow of the trickster, and is the IT specialist for the company.

Ember’s Friends, Family, & Enemies:

Aoife: A priestess of Morgana who guards the Seattle portal to the goddess’s realm.

Celia: Yutani’s aunt.

Danielle: Herne’s daughter, born to an Amazon named Myrna.

DJ Jackson: Angel’s little half-brother, DJ is half Wulfine—wolf shifter. He now lives with a foster family for his own protection.

Erica: A Dark Fae police officer, friend of Viktor’s.

Elatha: Fomorian King; enemy of the Fae race.

George Shipman: Puma shifter. Member of the White Peak Puma Pride.

Ginty McClintlock: A dwarf. Owner of Ginty’s Waystation Bar & Grill.

Louhia: Witch of Pohjola.

Marilee: A priestess of Morgana, Ember’s mentor. Possibly human—unknown.

Meadow O’Ceallaigh: Member of the magic-born; member of LOCK. Twin sister of Trefoil.

Myrna: An Amazon who had a fling with Herne many years back, which resulted in their daughter Danielle.

Rafé Forrester: Brother to Ulstair, Raven’s late fiancé; Angel’s boyfriend. Actor/fast-food worker. Dark Fae.

Sheila: Viktor’s girlfriend. A kitchen witch; one of the magic-born. Geology teacher who volunteers at the Chapel Hill Homeless Shelter.

Trefoil O’Ceallaigh: Member of the magic-born; member of LOCK. Twin brother of Meadow.

Unkai: Leader of the Orhanakai clan in the forest of Y’Bain. Dark Fae—Autumn’s Bane.

Raven & the Ante-Fae:

The Ante-Fae are creatures predating the Fae. They are the wellspring from which all Fae descended, unique beings who rule their own realms. All Ante-Fae are dangerous, but some are more deadly than others.

Apollo: The Golden Boy. Vixen’s boy toy. Weaver of Wings. Dancer.

Arachana: The Spider Queen. She has almost transformed into one of the Luo’henkah.

Blackthorn, the King of Thorns: Ruler of the blackthorn trees and all thorn-bearing plants. Cunning and wily, he feeds on pain and desire.

Curikan, the Black Dog of Hanging Hills: Raven’s father, one of the infamous black dogs. The first time someone meets him, they find good fortune. If they should ever see him again, they meet with tragedy.

Phasmoria: Queen of the Bean Sidhe. Raven’s mother.

Raven, the Daughter of Bones: (also: Raven BoneTalker) A bone witch, Raven is young, as far as the Ante-Fae go, and she works with the dead. She’s also a fortune teller, and a necromancer.

Straff: Blackthorn’s son, who suffers from a wasting disease requiring him to feed off others’ life energies and blood.

Trinity: The Keeper of Keys. One of the Ante-Fae. Mysterious and unknown agent of chaos.

Vixen: The Mistress/Master of Mayhem. Gender-fluid Ante-Fae who owns the Burlesque A Go-Go nightclub.

The Vulture Sisters: Triplet sisters, predatory.

Raven’s Friends:

Elise, Gordon, and Templeton: Raven’s ferret-bound spirit friends she rescued years ago and now protects until she can find out the secret to breaking the curse on them.

Gunnar: One of Kipa’s SuVahta Elitvartijat—elite guards.

Jordan Roberts: Tiger shifter. Llewellyn’s husband. Owns A Taste of Latte coffee shop.

Llewellyn Roberts: one of the magic-born, owns the Sun & Moon Apothecary.

Moira Ness: Human. One of Raven’s regular clients for readings.

Neil Johansson: One of the magic-born. A priest of Thor.

Raj: Gargoyle companion of Raven. Wing-clipped, he’s been with Raven for a number of years.

Wager Chance: Half–Dark Fae, half-human PI. Owns a PI firm found in the Catacombs. Has connections with the vampires.

Wendy Fierce-Womyn: An Amazon who works at Ginty’s Waystation Bar & Grill.

The Gods, the Luo’henkah, the Elemental Spirits, & Their Courts:

Arawn: Lord of the Dead. Lord of the Underworld.

Brighid: Goddess of Healing, Inspiration, and Smithery. The Lady of the Fiery Arrows, “Exalted One.”

The Cailleach: One of the Luo’henkah, the heart and spirit of winter.

Cerridwen: Goddess of the Cauldron of Rebirth. Dark harvest mother goddess.

Cernunnos: Lord of the Hunt, god of the Forest and King Stag of the Woods. Together with Morgana, Cernunnos originated the Wild Hunt and negotiated the covenant treaty with both the Light and the Dark Fae. Herne’s father.

Corra: Ancient Scottish serpent goddess. Oracle to the gods.

Coyote, also: Great Coyote: Native American trickster spirit/god.

Danu: Mother of the Pantheon. Leader of the Tuatha de Dannan.

Ferosyn: Chief healer in Cernunnos’s Court.

Herne: (see The Wild Hunt)

Isella: One of the Luo’henkah. The Daughter of Ice (daughter of the Cailleach).

Kuippana (also: Kipa): Lord of the Wolves. Elemental forest spirit; Herne’s distant cousin. Trickster. Leader of the SuVahta, a group of divine elemental wolf shifters.

Lugh the Long Handed: Celtic Lord of the Sun.

Mielikki: Lady of Tapiola. Finnish Goddess of the Hunt and the Fae. Mother of the Bear, Mother of Bees, Queen of the Forest.

Morgana: Goddess of the Fae and the Sea, she was originally human but Cernunnos lifted her to deityhood. She agreed to watch over the Fae who did not return across the Great Sea. Torn by her loyalty to her people and her loyalty to Cernunnos, she at times finds herself conflicted about the Wild Hunt. Herne’s mother.

The Morrígan: Goddess of Death and Phantoms. Goddess of the battlefield.

Pandora: Daughter of Zeus, Emissary of Typhon, the Father of Dragons.

Tapio: Lord of Tapiola. Mielikki’s Consort. Lord of the Woodlands. Master of Game.

The Fae Courts:

Navane: The court of the Light Fae, both across the Great Sea and on the eastside of Seattle, the latter ruled by Névé.

TirNaNog: The court of the Dark Fae, both across the Great Sea and on the eastside of Seattle, the latter ruled by Saílle.

The Force Majeure:

A group of legendary magicians, sorcerers, and witches. They are not human, but magic-born. There are twenty-one at any given time and the only way into the group is to be hand chosen, and the only exit from the group is death.

Merlin, The: Morgana’s father. Magician of ancient Celtic fame.

Taliesin: The first Celtic bard. Son of Cerridwen, originally a servant who underwent magical transformation and finally was reborn through Cerridwen as the first bard.

Ranna: Powerful sorceress. Elatha’s mistress.

Rasputin: The Russian sorcerer and mystic.

V?in?m?inen: The most famous Finnish bard.

The Dragonni:

Typhon: The Father of Dragons (born of the Titans Gaia and Tartarus)

Echidna: The Mother of Dragons (born of the Titans Gaia and Tartarus)

The Celestial Wanders (Blue, Silver, and Gold Dragons):

Ashera: A blue dragon.

The Mountain Dreamers (Green and Black Dragons):

The Luminous Warriors (White, Red, and Shadow Dragons):

Aso: White Dragon, bound to Pandora, twin of Variance.

Variance: White Dragon, bound to Pandora, twin of Aso. Copyright 2016 - 2024