Summer's End (Wildflowers #5) - Jill Sanders Page 0,60

said as he stepped past her. “Head on up. I’ll meet you there after I’m done here.” He nodded to the officer who was watching them.

“Thanks,” she said motioning to the coffee. “I’m going to sleep great tonight.” She leaned up on her toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

When he closed the door behind him, he glanced at the three officers. The woman was sitting behind the desk while the two men were still standing.

Directing his eyes to the woman, he held out his hand for her. “Aiden Stark.”

“Detective Rhodes.” She shook his hand and motioned to the chair. Her brown eyes assessed him. “I take it you were raised by a woman?”

He chuckled. “What made you suggest that?”

“Most men immediately assume I’m here to take notes.” Her eyes narrowed. He gauged the detective was roughly five years older than he was. Her short brown hair was cut in a style that accented her oval face. If he’d been a single man, he would have probably flirted with her. But the only woman he wanted now and forever had just left the room.

He winced. “First off, I’m not chauvinist. Second, that one”—he pointed towards the closed door that Aubrey had just left out of—“has two black belts. I know better than to underestimate anyone.” He sat down.

“Fair enough.” The detective smiled at him. “Shall we get started?”

For the next fifteen minutes, he answered all of the detective’s questions, no matter how mundane they were. When they had arrived in New York. How they had traveled. Where they were staying. Why he’d suspected the poison was in the bourbon. If he’d met Bridgett before today.

The only question he’d struggled with was when the detective asked what his relationship with Aubrey was.

“We’ve been… together for over three years,” he answered, causing the detective’s eyebrows to rise slowly. He chuckled. “It’s complicated.”

She leaned on the desk and smiled at him.

“Relationships usually are.” She ran her eyes over him. “She’s one lucky lady,” she added standing up. “I think we’re done here,” she said to the other officers. “We’ll keep an officer on Mr. Smith’s door until he’s released. As I mentioned to Miss Smith, we have an APB out for Bridgett Rowlett. We’ve sent the local PD out to talk with”—she glanced through her notepad—“Zoey and Scarlett Rowlett to see if they have any further details about Mrs. Rowlett’s whereabouts. Per Aubrey’s request, I’ve also requested that a local officer be stationed at the camp for their safety.”

“You think she’ll go after them?” He tensed. He hadn’t thought of that angle.

“No, but your girl seemed to be worried about her friends.”

“Yes, me too.”

The detective nodded. “That should do it for now. Miss Smith didn’t seem to know how long the two of you would be in town…”

“Same. Need us to give you a heads-up when we decide to leave?” he asked.

“If you wouldn’t mind.” She handed him a business card, then held out her hand.

When he was riding up the elevator to the eleventh floor, he sent a text to Brett.

-Local PD wants someone from your office to watch out at the camp for Bridgett. Think you can get assigned the duty? I know you’re on desk duty, but it would help to have someone I trust watching out for my friends.

-On it. Got the call ten minutes ago. Heading out there now. I’ll keep you posted.

He knocked on the door to room eleven-forty-three and entered after he heard Aubrey call out for him to come in.

Seeing her sit on the side of the bed with her father’s hand in hers and tears rolling down her cheeks tore his heart apart. Seeing the old man’s eyes just as wet as Aubrey’s had his attitude of the old man shifting.

Chapter 19

Aubrey closed her eyes and tried to relax. The taxi ride between Isaac’s place and the hospital seemed to take longer than before. It was a quarter past ten and she was beyond tired.

“Are you doing okay?” Aiden asked her. Just the sound of his voice helped her relax even further.

“Yes,” she answered with a sigh. “I’m just tired.”

“Ditto.” He pulled her into his arms, and she relaxed against his chest. “I know I’ve been trying to stick to the new rules, but I’m willing to bend them, for tonight. I just want to hold you.” He placed a kiss on her forehead.

She thought about falling asleep in his arms and nodded. She needed it. She needed him. More now than Copyright 2016 - 2024