Summer's End (Wildflowers #5) - Jill Sanders Page 0,58

in on what had just happened. The more he listened, the more he realized that it was all extremely bizarre and similar to a horror movie.

“I mean,” Zoey said, “did she really expect to get away with poisoning your dad?”

“I don’t know. Hey, listen, we’re back at our place. We’re going to change and then head over to the hospital,” Aubrey said.

“Keep us posted,” someone shouted. Then the phone was muffled as someone asked a question.

“Val wants to know what Bridgett gave your dad,” Zoey said.

Aubrey glanced over at him in question.

“Alprazolam,” he supplied.

“How much?” Val’s voice came on the line.

“We don’t know,” Aubrey answered as he opened the front door for them. “Enough to be noticed. He was pretty much passed out when they carted him out of the house.”

“Keep me posted,” Val said to Aubrey. “He should be okay, if your father’s health was good to begin with.”

He saw Aubrey wince. “I will. Thanks, Val. Oh, and about Brett.” She glanced over at Aiden and smiled. “Did you kiss him back?”

Val laughed. “You know it.”

Aubrey laughed again as she hung up.

“Brett and Val.” He shook his head. “Now there’s a combination. Did you know that Brett hasn’t dated since…”? He thought about it as they rushed up the stairs to change clothes. He stopped on the landing and cocked his head to think. “Hell, I guess I can’t remember the last time he went out on a date. Then again, we don’t gossip like you and your friends do.”

She slugged him in the shoulder. “Stereotyping us won’t get you far.” She rushed up the rest of the stairs.

“It’s not stereotyping when it comes to you and your friends. Remember, I’ve hung out with the five of you over the past three years,” he called after her.

He changed out of the rented tux quickly and, while he waited for Aubrey, shot off a text to his friend.

-So, you and Dr. Val?

Brett quickly responded.

-Shit, it was a lapse of judgment.

He sent another quick text after that.

-I do admit that the woman is hot, but she can get under my skin. I only kissed her to get her to stop complaining about my injury.

Aiden punched dial quickly after reading that last bit.

“You were injured?” he asked when Brett answered the phone.

“I got a scratch and a sprain, nothing more.”

“How bad?” He knew better. Brett always downplayed everything. Especially when it came to his health and his job.

Brett sighed. “I’ll be on desk duty for the next week.”

“What’d you do?” he asked.

“It wasn’t me. You know how tourists can get when they party too hard,” Brett supplied. “A few big ex-jock types decided they wanted to borrow some golf carts at the country club at one in the morning. One of them ran me over when I informed them that they were all under arrest for a DUI.”

“Seriously? Man, they ran over you?” He shook his head.

“It wasn’t that bad. Like I said, we were on the greens and it was a golf cart. Top speed of what? Ten miles an hour.” Brett chuckled.

“Listen, we’re heading to the hospital. Someone tried to poison Aubrey’s father. Long story, which I will fill you in on later, but I’ll check in with you when we get back from New York.”

“Wow, sure thing. Tell her that I hope her old man pulls through,” Brett added as Aiden stepped out of his room. Aubrey was coming down the stairs.

“Sure will. Oh, and stay away from drunks on golf carts,” Aiden added.

“Will do.” Brett chuckled as he hung up.

“Brett?” Aubrey asked.

“Yeah.” Aiden sighed. “Okay, so maybe we do gossip as much as you and your Wildflowers.” He shrugged. “Sorry I said that.” He opened the front door for her.

She turned to respond to him, but suddenly, an explosion of flashing lights caused them both to jump. He pushed in front of her to protect her only to realize that there were more than a dozen photographers standing between them and the limo, all snapping pictures of them standing in the doorway.

“What the…” he said, but Aubrey had tugged his arm and they raced through the growing crowd to jump into the limo.

“Sorry,” Carl said as they pulled away from the curb. “They started showing up shortly after you went inside. I suspect that word has gotten out about your father being taken away in an ambulance. They must have followed us from the house.”

“It’s okay. Just get us to the hospital,” Aubrey replied and leaned back. “It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024