Summer's End (Wildflowers #5) - Jill Sanders Page 0,3

had made her life hell. He’d controlled every aspect of her day-to-day life when she was in New York. Looking back at her youth, she realized that her time at school and the campgrounds had been the only chance she’d had at freedom.

Shortly after her eighteenth birthday, she’d come home to find a small suitcase in the front entry. At first, she’d believed they had a guest, even if that had never happened once over the ten years she’d lived there. She had been excited at the prospect.

Then she’d read the note on the table and her heart had sunk.


This fulfills my financial obligation to you. I will expect you to remove your items, which I have had packed up, and be out of my home before I return from work at 6:00 p.m. sharp. As previously discussed, there is a job waiting for you at my offices downtown. I’ve given them your name and they will expect a call from you today.


It stung, at first, that she’d only been an obligation. Over the next few years, she’d realized that’s all she had ever been to him. She should have never expected anything more.

She went to great lengths to keep her connection to Harold a secret. She was thankful that no one in the office where she had been hired as an entry-level filing clerk knew she was the boss’s daughter.

She’d slowly worked her way up the corporate ladder at the office and was close to becoming a team lead. Then one day, she’d walked in to find Terry Osborn reclining at her desk with his feet up on her paperwork.

“Terry.” She pushed his feet off her paperwork and glared at him. “What can I help you with this morning?” She tossed her bag and umbrella down on the floor. Since it usually took her half an hour to warm up after the brisk walk and subway ride into work, she kept her thick heavy jacket on.

“I’m here to help you,” Terry answered with a smile as he slowly stood up. “I hear you have family in… high places.” His eyes ran over her, and she felt her entire body shiver with disgust. The man was easily a hundred pounds overweight and at least twice her age. Not to mention that she knew he was married. She’d heard rumors that he’d had several affairs while working there but had yet to find anyone in the office who liked him, let alone would sleep with him.

“I don’t know what you mean.” She moved past him, but he caged her in.

“Oh, I think you do. It’s come to my attention that you’ve been keeping a secret from us. A pretty big one.” His eyes narrowed. “Harold Smith”—he wiggled his eyebrows— “is your father.”

She felt her back teeth grind as she pushed past him. “I am not keeping it a secret.” She sat down in her chair and logged into her computer. “Anyone with a brain could have figured it out.” She glanced up at him, hoping he didn’t see her hands shake or her temper grow. “Was there something else?”

Terry was frowning down at her, and his face was growing red like it did every time he was agitated. “No one else knows.” He moved closer to her and reached out. He would have placed his hand on her shoulder had she not scooted her chair back a few steps. Arching her eyebrows, she chuckled.

“I will happily head out right now”—she nodded towards the door— “with a bullhorn and let everyone in on my secret.” She air quoted the last word.

His face grew even redder. His eyes moved around as if gauging his next move. “Then I’m sure you won’t mind if I let your father in on your last client.”

She laughed. “Why don’t you regroup?” She pushed herself back towards her desk and turned her attention towards her screen. “When you come up with something else you deem worth blackmailing me for to get to my father’s money, let me know.” She glanced up and smiled and then dismissed him and returned to her work.

Shortly after the man left her office, she felt the tension in her body relax. God! She hated her job. She hated being associated with one of the richest men in the world.

It took Terry a week to come up with a new angle. He barged in while she was finishing up with an email.

“Kasey, I’m going to have to call you back.” She hung up. “Yes?”

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