Summer's End (Wildflowers #5) - Jill Sanders Page 0,11

this idea to him and maybe he could add some unique features that will help separate each of them?” Elle offered.

“This is coming together so quickly.” Scarlett sighed as she floated back. “Enough talk.” She splashed them. “I want to relax before we eat. Look, the sun’s going down.”

Everyone turned and watched the last rays of the sun slip behind the trees.

“I’m starving,” Zoey said once they were shadowed in the pool lights.

“Is it bad that I can’t wait until we have a working kitchen so that we don’t have to cook or eat cold sandwiches anymore?”

“Oh, to have a chef at your beck and call…” Zoey moaned as someone’s stomach let out a loud growl.

When everyone turned to her, she realized it was her own stomach. “I forgot to eat lunch.” She shrugged.

“Okay, food then sleep,” Zoey suggested as everyone started making their way to the edge of the water.

“Hey,” a deep voice sounded from somewhere in the darkness. “I was just coming in to join you.”

Aubrey watched as Aiden moved to the edge of the pool. He was still wearing his work clothes, only they were now covered in a white powder and sweat.

“We were just heading in for dinner,” Elle told him as she wrapped a towel around her.

“I’m starving,” Zoey added, taking up her own towel.

Aiden sat down and untied his work boots and then toed them off. “Well, I’m still going to enjoy a dip,” he said with a shrug.

Aubrey remained where she was in the water. She was suddenly more interested in seeing him in swim trunks than she was about eating a cold turkey sandwich.

“Coming, Aub?” Scarlett asked as everyone disappeared down the pathway that led back to the main building.

“I’m going to stick around for a few more minutes then maybe go for a walk. Don’t wait up.”

“Don’t blame me if I eat your sandwich,” Zoey called back and rushed to catch up with everyone else.

“Guess you earned a few extra minutes in there today, huh?” Aiden asked, tossing his work shirt onto the chair.

Aubrey’s breath caught in her lungs as the pool lights danced over his toned chest.

“Yes, I sure did.” She ducked her mouth under the water so he wouldn’t see the huge smile on her lips. How did the man get such a perfect six-pack? Did he know just how sexy his little striptease was? He stood up and started unbuckling his jeans, and she watched as they slid down his narrow hips and lower over his muscular thighs until they pooled at his feet.

Now he stood in front of her in nothing but a pair of blue boxer briefs and smiled at her from across the pool.

“Like what you see?” he asked her.

Since her mouth was still under the water, she simply nodded slowly.

Then she laughed as he ran to the edge of the pool and did a cannonball into the water. She was wiping the water from her eyes when warm hands circled her waist and pulled her under.

When they surfaced, his mouth covered hers as his hands roamed over her skin. She hadn’t realized the water had cooled off until her skin started to heat under his touch.

“I’m glad I decided to come up here for a swim,” he said against her skin.

“Me too.” She sighed and held onto those muscular arms of his. Feeling his pecs against her own chest had her body reacting and heating. Then her legs brushed up against his and lit even more fires in her. Wrapping her legs around him, she held on while he treaded water, keeping their heads above the surface.

“You know, I have some of my mom’s leftover lasagna at my place. You could always have dinner at my place?” he suggested.

“Deal,” she said with a laugh. “I’ve had cold turkey sandwiches for the past week. Anything is better than one more night of it.”

He chuckled, the sound reverberating.

“God, I want to kiss you again,” he said, pulling her closer.

“Me too.” She sighed and covered his lips with her own. “Aiden, take me back to your place,” she said when they surfaced from the kiss again.

“I thought you’d never ask.” He kicked off, sending them towards the stairs.

After drying off, under the very watchful gaze of Aiden, she pulled on the shorts and sweatshirt that she’d worn to the pool earlier. She followed him down the path towards the parking area and got in his truck when he opened the passenger side door for her.

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