Summer's Distant Heart - Laura Landon Page 0,27

had no love for your brother but only wanted his title and his wealth.”

“I know that wasn’t the truth. I know she truly loved my brother and he loved her. I know that they would have done everything possible for each other.”

“You’re right,” Lia answered, then tightened her grasp on his hand.

“What’s wrong?” There was a frown on his forehead as if he realized something was not right.

“Nothing,” she lied. “I just felt a little dizzy.”

“Here, lie down.”

He settled her in the bed and brought the covers up around her.

“You’re not well enough to overdo. You need to sleep.”

Lia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She hated that she was ill. If there was ever a time when she needed to be strong, this was it.

“Would you like me to send for your aunt?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s midmorning.”

“Then, no. She’ll be out walking. Don’t bother her.”

“Then I will sit with you until you feel drowsy.”

“That’s not necessary, Lord— Hunt.”

He ignored her dismissal and stayed right where he was, just smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“As you wish,” he whispered, though he didn’t move an inch.

Lia focused her gaze on Hunter Montclaire’s handsome face. There was a note of compassion in his eyes that tugged at her heart. “Thank you,” she said softly, then closed her eyes, feeling safer than she had in months.

She didn’t go to sleep immediately. How could she, with the blood still singing in her veins.

. . . .

Hunter stayed at her side most of the day and night. He watched her sleep and held her hand when she became restless. Each time she roused he became more and more aware that some awareness deep within him had been freed, something that allowed him to appreciate her like he’d not appreciated other women in the past. He was happy to wait while she slept, knowing that when she woke she’d think of some new and engaging bit of conversation. She was so widely read, so fascinated with things he’d not expected, that her commentaries never ceased to delight him. He’d always enjoyed witty banter in the gentleman’s rooms at Whites, or in the bidding booths at Tattersall’s. He considered himself well versed and with a natural wit, when he chose to expose it. But this woman had him beat in spades. And he loved it.

Shortly after the sun rose, he found himself roused from drowsing as her aunt entered the room.

“How is she?” the dowager viscountess asked.

“Much better. She was wakeful from time to time through the night.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of her.”

“It was my pleasure.”

“May I discuss something with you?” the dowager viscountess asked, beckoning him to join her in the hall.

“Of course.” Hunter stepped from the room and led Lia’s aunt to a pair of chairs arranged on each side of a painted Bohemian chest. As he passed the mirror that hung above it, he swept his unkempt hair from his forehead. She must think him a veritable country bumpkin.

The venerable lady wasted no time getting straight to the point.

“It has been obvious to me that you have feelings for my niece.”

He opened his mouth as if to object, but she raised a regal hand to silence him.

“And now Miles tells me you are aware that she is in truth my elder niece, Amelia.”

“Yes, I am aware.”

“What resolution do you seek with regard to your feelings for her?”

“I’m not sure I understand you, my lady.”

“Then let me be absolutely clear, Lord Montclaire.” The dowager Viscountess Collinson leveled him a look that left no doubt of her seriousness. “I lost one niece to your family. And the result of that tragedy was terribly hard on Lia. For a while, I was afraid I might lose both of them. And perhaps I would have, had it not been for the babe Jannie left behind. But Lia stepped up when she had to and took over the care of your brother’s heir.”

“What is your point, my lady? What is it you wish to know?”

“I want to know what your intentions are where Lia is concerned. If you intend to use her, then cast her to the wind, I will fight you every step of the way. But, if you intend to be a helpmate to her and assist her in her efforts to protect the babe and secure the future of both Lia and the child, then I will stand at your side and help you in any way possible.”

“I assure you, my lady, Copyright 2016 - 2024