The Summer Place - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,94

kids can hide.”


“When we find you, go sit in the pavilion until everybody’s in,” Neil instructed as the kids scurried away.

Ginny and Charlie gathered what was left of the snacks onto the trays and headed to the kitchen.

Rick drew his comrades into a small circle as he began counting, and Summer felt childish, wishing she could stand by him.

Tara laughed. “We look like a prayer group.”

“Oh, Lord, we want to thank you for these children,” Neil intoned below Rick’s counting. “And thank you that our time with them is drawing to an end. Mmm-hmm. It’s been a fine time we’ve had here, Lord, with these fine children, who’ve blessed us with their antics. Blessed us so that the stars in our crowns have been given a greater chance to multiply with each and every passing day.”

Summer and Tara ruptured with laughter at Neil’s last statement as Rick called out, “Thirty!”

“Let’s make this quick, y’all,” he said, and Summer noticed that his eyes slid over her, but landed briefly on Neil and Tara. She hurried away in response. The sooner they found everybody, the sooner they could get them in bed and the sooner she could talk to Rick alone.

Would he talk to her? Her mouth went dry. Maybe not. But he’d have to listen. He couldn’t ignore her forever.

Without even having to discuss it, the counselors fanned out in different directions as they headed away from the beach into the trees surrounding the camp.

Most of the kids hid behind the large trees and, although they tried sneaking around the sides, were easily spotted by one of the adults. A few braved the relative darkness to hide in the shadows of the buildings. They seemed the most relieved when they got found.

It didn’t take long until everybody was in except for Lucy and, as usual, Howie.

Tara and Neil stayed at the pavilion with the large group as Rick went around the dining hall toward the storm shelter. Summer searched the opposite direction.

At the edge of the woods, a hand caught her arm. “Aaiiee!” Summer let out a startled yelp. “Lucy, you scared me.”

“Ms. Summer, I know we’re not supposed to tattle...” The child bit her bottom lip.

“What is it, Lucy?” She didn’t have time for one of Lucy’s whiny accusations of being left out. The sooner they found Howie...

“Howie went in the woods.” Lucy’s chin buckled in aggravation.

Summer didn’t relish the idea of traipsing through the woods in her fairy princess dress. “Are you sure?” She squinted and tilted her head to let the child know this was no time for games.

“I promise, Ms. Summer.” Lucy traced a quick cross over her heart. “He went in there.”

Summer’s eyes followed the child’s pointing finger—to the path that went by the Byassee place. A cold dread filled her as she remembered her frightening premonition. Something bad could be out there again tonight. Howie had a good head start...might already be walking into danger. She pulled a small flashlight from the pocket of her dress and kept her voice calm, trying not to scare the child. “I’m going toward the Byassee place, Lucy. You tell Mr. Rick, okay?”

Whether or not Rick followed, she knew this path well enough to walk it blindfolded if she had to.

Not waiting for Lucy’s answer, she hiked up her costume and ran.


“HOWIE! C’MON IN, BUD. You’ve won again.” Rick listened but there was no answer. No feet scuffing in the dirt. No branches cracking. “Howie, did you hear me?” he tried again. The voices of the other children calling Howie drifted around the buildings.

It wasn’t like the boy to stay hidden this long. Usually, by the time they confirmed him as the winner, he was anxious to take his victory lap.

He had been quiet all afternoon...not showing his usual enthusiasm during the zip-lining, hanging back in line rather than pushing to the front like he normally did. At the time, Rick had wondered if perhaps he was afraid of the zip lines. But looking back on the rest of the evening, the boy had been silent throughout dinner and the stories. In fact, Rick couldn’t recall that he’d said anything since mail call. He’d been embarrassed by Reggie’s teasing but that hardly seemed the type of thing that would upset him for very long. He generally shrugged anger off pretty quickly.

Something else was going on. Dreading going home? Afraid his mom and dad might have gotten back together while he was gone? Rick’s insides coiled. If Howie were Copyright 2016 - 2024