The Summer Place - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,49

was how it would feel to be performing a different kind of push-up with Summer beneath him.

He rolled over and sat up. Hmm. Sit-ups, maybe? He shook his head, disgusted with his lack of self-control, and finally surrendered to the call of his bed.

Three weeks. He could do this. He’d gone without sex for two years when he was on tours of duty. He could certainly survive three weeks. And if this budding relationship with Summer continued to thrive, it would be good for them to wait. It would be a character-building exercise.

He wouldn’t entertain the possibility of making love to Summer here at camp. It wouldn’t be prudent and certainly wouldn’t be proper. He needed to remain focused on the kids. They were the reason he was here...they were the reason for this tour of duty.

But how was he going to keep his upper brain focused on the kids when his lower brain stayed focused on Summer? The feel of her body pressed against him had imprinted on both of his brains, it seemed.

Would it be better to go ahead and make love to her? Maybe that would get it out of his system for a little while.

Hell, who was he kidding? If just kissing her was doing this to him, what would sleeping with her do? Her kisses were so hot. Holding her was like pulling the pin on a live grenade. Only he was the one who was about to explode.

A lightning bug landed on his ceiling, flashing its tail to call a mate...or maybe prey.

Poor bastard. I know exactly how you feel. “Two,” he counted aloud as the soft green light blinked again.

The obvious solution to this dilemma was to stop kissing Summer and avoid being alone with her.

So do I want to avoid being alone with her?


Then am I going to keep kissing her, knowing the state it’s going to put me in?

“Absolutely...every chance I get.”

The lightning bug’s beacon glowed.

“Three. So I have your approval, then?”

It flashed again in affirmation.

“Four.” Rick smiled. “That’s good to know.”


“BY USING APPLESAUCE INSTEAD of vegetable oil, we still have moist and tender zucchini bread but without all the icky fats.” Summer cut the slices into fourths and offered each of the girls a piece to taste. “Tell me what you think.”

She watched closely for the reactions. Lucy scrunched her nose up, but eventually nibbled a bite. M&M gobbled hers down like she did everything. Greta took a bite and contemplated her answer.

It was interesting how well Summer had gotten to know these kids. She knew exactly what the reactions were going to be before they indicated them. They’d become predictable, although she still couldn’t figure out who the winner of tonight’s wand was going to be.

Shannon had the twins’ backing, but Amanda had a following of her own. Summer was anxious to see who carried the most clout because determining who held the most respect or perhaps power would tell her a lot about the values and personality of the group as a whole. She would gain insights on where to go from here in their fairy princess training.

“Do you like it?” Tara asked.

Most nodded, a couple gave thumbs-ups, some remained more guarded, but none openly objected.

Summer took that to mean it was a hit. “I’ll take some out to the boys. If they like it, too, Ms. Ginny said she’ll use it to make a special French toast for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Who’s ready for a swim?” Tara asked, and was met by an exuberant cheer. “Let’s go get changed, then.” She herded the girls out of the dining hall just as Rick finished up the tae kwon do with the boys.

Summer made quick work of cutting more zucchini bread and getting it on the tray. Rick was almost to his cabin by the time she got outside, but she called to Neil, “I want the boys to try this, then I’ll send them on in.”

Neil nodded and went ahead into the dorm. The boys gathered around as Summer offered the pieces. “Zucchini bread. What do you think?”

The pieces disappeared quickly until Howie spoke up. “Who made this?”

“The girls,” Summer answered.

“Ewww.” Howie made a retching sound and pulled his hand away from the piece he was about to pick up. “Girls touched it means it’s got cooties.”

“Oh, Howie, don’t be silly.” Summer rolled her eyes. “You touched a girl when you danced last night.”

Howie stuck out his tongue and exaggerated a shiver. “And I had to take a shower Copyright 2016 - 2024