The Summer of No Attachments (The Summer Friends #2) - Lori Foster Page 0,83

of single parenting.”

Stark suspicion narrowed her eyes. “Repay me?”

“Consider it back child support.” After long talks with his lawyer, he was able to drop a number that made her eyes bulge.

Calculating, she licked her lips as she watched him. “I guess that would be a start.”

A start—and a finish. He wouldn’t allow her to manipulate him more than she already had. “After you’ve completed rehab, I’d not only give you that money in monthly payments, but I’d also help you get back on your feet.”

She sat up a little higher in the bed. “Help me, how?”

“I’ll get you set up in an apartment, with several months paid in advance. I’ll also make sure you have reliable transportation so you can hold down a job. But, Darcie? It’ll all be dependent on you staying clean.”

Skipping past his stipulation, she asked, “Why would you do any of that?”

Here was where it got tricky. He couldn’t say she was a problem he wanted to resolve. That attitude would infuriate anyone, but especially someone in her stage of recovery. He’d planned his response in advance, and he hoped it was good enough to convince her. “Despite everything, I think Justin would be happier if he knows you’re okay.”

“Of course he would. I’m his mother. I bet he misses me, doesn’t he?”

Corbin studied her. Already he could see the wheels turning and knew she was making plans of her own. Plans that weren’t about their son. Plans that would do nothing to make Justin’s life easier.

“I’m only doing this for him.” Sitting forward, his elbows on his knees and his fingers laced together, Corbin stared into her still hazy eyes. He needed to make sure that she understood every word. “I’ll only assist you as long as it’s in his best interests. If you can’t be sober, then I’d have to rethink everything.”

Angry color rushed into her pale face. “You bastard. You think you can call all the shots, don’t you?”

“No.” Life was never that simple. He stood to pace around the room. “For now, if you want to see Justin, it would only be through supervised visits.”

“He’s my son!”

Her raised voice didn’t faze him. In contrast, his own was soft with conviction. “You gave him to me. You signed away your rights, remember? I’m willing to work with you, but every decision I make will be centered on whatever is best for Justin.”

“I’ll sue you,” she threatened with heat.

“If you want to take your chances in court, then we will. But if you go that route, I won’t give you a dime.” He looked around the room. “When you leave here, you’ll be on your own. Think about that.” Before he lost his temper, he headed for the door.


The desperation in her tone tore at him, again causing sympathy to war with resolve. He turned back to face her.

With her gaze downcast, she muttered, “I want to get better.”

Closing his eyes in relief, Corbin nodded. “Then I’ll do what I can.” In that moment, Darcie looked small and afraid. His heart ached, not only for his son, but for her, too. No one wanted a life of dependency. No one made a conscious decision to be weak, to be arrested—or to court death through drugs. It was one of those awful things that happened, and he quickly counted his blessings that his parents had given him such a solid foundation.

Darcie rubbed one eye, making her look very young and frail. “Cops will be in to talk to me today. I... I don’t want to face them alone.”

He stepped closer again. “You want me to stay?” The idea had merit, because it would give him a clear view of what he was up against.

Her chin angled up. “Unless you have something better to do.”

Parenting his son was definitely better, but he shook his head. “I can stay for a few more hours.”

Relief stole some of the strain from her features. “I figure they’ll lock me up this time.”

This time?

She turned to look out the window. “It’s not fair. None of it is my fault and now I have nothing.”

If it wasn’t her fault, then whose? Did she blame Justin for being born? Corbin for not somehow knowing he had a son, even though she hadn’t told him? “Let’s figure out what to expect first, okay? We’ll take it one step at a time.”

Her frowning gaze returned to his face. “You promise you won’t leave me hanging?”

“I’ll keep my word, you’ll keep yours and we’ll both Copyright 2016 - 2024