The Summer of No Attachments (The Summer Friends #2) - Lori Foster Page 0,37


“They were super nice, even though they had to navigate those narrow stairs with my mattress and box spring. I gave them all generous tips.”

“Because you’re a generous person.” Sheets of rain washed over the street, causing Ivey to drive very slowly. “I wish I could have helped you more with your move.” Not that she could have gotten a box spring and mattress up those stairs.

“You were working, and besides, I enjoyed it.” Hope hesitated, then confided in a whisper, “Lang offered to lend a hand.”

And Hope hadn’t shared? “You big sneak! Why didn’t you tell me?”

With a laugh, Hope said, “I turned him down, but, Ivey, it was so nice of him. He asked, I thanked him and said I could handle it, and he said if I changed my mind to let him know. He didn’t press so I’m guessing you talked to him?”

“To Corbin, who I’m sure shared.”

There was a long pause. “How did he take it?”

“Corbin? He was rightfully angry on your behalf.” Just as she’d known he would be. “He couldn’t speak for Lang, of course, but he agreed it would be best to let him know, just so he didn’t come on too strong.” Tentatively, Ivey asked, “It worked?”

“I think so.” With an agonized groan, Hope said, “This is all so uncomfortable, but still, I’m glad it’s out in the open. I mean, just among us. I wouldn’t want all of Sunset to know.”

“Of course not. I’m sure it won’t be repeated.”

“Lang gave me his number.”

Ivey could hear the tempered wonder in her friend’s voice and it made her smile. “Do you think you’ll call him?”

“No. At least, not anytime soon. But it’s nice having it. I, um, gave him my number, too.”

Wow, talk about progress. “Good for you.”

“I still can’t imagine me doing anything with a guy.”

“You don’t have to imagine it,” Ivey said quickly. “Just let things progress naturally. Conversation first, okay? That’s a big first step.” The phone began to fade in and out, and she knew she was losing Hope. “I have to go, okay? Sketchy connection. If you need anything, please let me know. Love ya a bunch.”

“Love you, too. Drive carefully.”

A near-continuous flash of lightning gave a strobe effect against the darkened sky as Ivey parked close to the back door of the clinic. A slight overhang helped shield her from the downpour, but she was still drenched in the time it took her to unlock the door. Icy trickles snaked down the side of her face and into the neck of her rain slicker. Her rubber boots slipped on the linoleum floor when she stepped inside.

Concerned for Daisy, she hurried through the dim interior until she reached the right kennel. All was silent, but then Daisy probably didn’t hear her with the fury of the storm all around them.

When she opened the door, Daisy launched into startled, maniacal barking until she realized it was Ivey. Then she hunkered down in a low rush, her puppies following. Obviously Daisy was relieved to have company.

“I know, baby, I’m so sorry.” Plopping down to sit on the floor, Ivey cuddled them all. For fifteen minutes, she soothed the frazzled animals. Once they were calmer, she loaded them into a carrier with soft blankets. The second there was a slight break in the storm, she dashed out to her car and secured them in the back seat.

Her phone, which she’d left on the console, showed she’d missed a call from Corbin.

Assuming he’d have to cancel, disappointment swamped her. Yes, she understood. After all, being out in the mess wasn’t pleasant. But she’d been looking forward to the visit all morning.

She returned the call right before she pulled out onto the road. Thanks to the faulty connection, they could barely hear each other, but she caught enough to hear Corbin’s surprise that she was out in the storm.

She had an equal surprise in knowing he and Justin were on their way. Something about them being out and about when the storm started, so if she didn’t mind, they were going to be early.

It didn’t require a glance in the rearview mirror to know she was a complete and utter mess. The rain always amplified her hair to impossible heights, and her frizzy curls had already sprung free from the hood of the slicker. Pretty sure the chill in the air had pinkened her nose, too.

But hey, Corbin wanted to visit, she wanted to see him, so they’d both just have to Copyright 2016 - 2024