Summer Love_ A Steamy Small Town Romance Anthology - Piper Rayne Page 0,212

come with you?”

“Mateo had to work today,” Ashlee returned.


Bobby held in his smile as the two women fell silent, but his mind worked overtime. Had Jewel come over simply to run Ashlee off? Because it certainly seemed like it. And if she had . . . what did that mean? Or did it mean anything?

Did he want it to mean something?

The questions ran rampant, and he tucked them away for later consideration, same as he had the jealousy issue. This was a whole new thing for him, and he didn’t yet know what to make of it. Jewel?

He tossed another glance her way. He could certainly do worse.

Not that he was looking to do anything, he reminded himself.

These five weeks were a time for reflection and preparation for his future. Nothing more. He likely wouldn’t even work in the studio his mom had let him set up back in high school. He would hang out with his mother when she wasn’t busy at the hospital—she was an anesthesiologist, so she stayed busy far more often than not. He would spend time catching up with old friends. And he’d help at the Double B. That’s all. And in five weeks, he’d start the next chapter in his life.

Bobby finished wrapping Ashlee’s purchases and tucked them into a bag, and as she took the offering, she tossed out one last smile. It didn’t make it to her eyes, however. Her irritation was clear. She’d been caught and called out, and she didn’t appreciate it at all.

“Have a good day, Bobby.”

He nodded. “You, too.”

She left without another word, or so much as a glance in Jewel’s direction, and he and Jewel both watched until she’d disappeared into the gathering throng of people. The cherry spitting contest would be starting in ten minutes, and a large number of festival goers were now making their way to the spitting “arena.”

Once Ashlee could no longer be seen, Bobby turned back to Jewel and waited for her to look his way. And when she did . . . he totally let his grin stretch wide.

“What?” she demanded.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Did what?” She lowered her gaze to fidget with some invisible irritant that suddenly seemed to be bothering her palm.

“Uhhh,” he drew the word out, hoping she would look back up, but she only continued to scratch at her hand. So, he dipped his head to hers. “Jewel Jackson, you totally just cockblocked me with Ashlee.”

Her gaze shot up. “What? No I did not.”

With a knowing look, he merely stared back, and danged if her own cheeks didn’t take on an adorable shade of pink.

“Stop it.” She shoved at his shoulder. “I didn’t ‘cockblock’ you. I was just . . .” Her words trailed off when he simply kept looking at her. And smiling. And as they stood there staring at each other, he decided that he liked both her boldness and her embarrassment. He’d always appreciated her boldness. That was one of the reasons his dad had hired her full time right after graduation.

Even as a teen, she would set her mind to something and wouldn’t back down. And most times, those decisions paid off. It was one of the reasons they currently had a bull in their stock who would likely win them big money before this season was over. Jewel had sought out the right genetics to breed Rolls Royce, and she’d badgered his father until the man had agreed to it.

But the embarrassment was new. He wasn’t sure he’d ever witnessed that before.

“You just, what?” he whispered.

The blush disappeared as quickly as it had come, and she pulled her shoulders back. She shot him a look of disgust. “Quit teasing me, Bobby Brandon. I was doing you a favor. You should thank me.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, really. You haven’t been around a lot over the last few years, so you may not be up to speed, but Ashlee Anderson has men for dinner these days and spits out nothing but bone when she’s finished. Plus”—she jutted her chin out—“she’s currently dating someone.”

“Yeah.” He nodded. Had she always been this adorable? “I picked up on that. Mateo. And thank you,” he added, stressing the words she’d claimed he owed her. “I’d not only hate to get on this Mateo’s bad side by simply talking to his girlfriend, but I’d be equally disgruntled to wake up tomorrow as nothing but bones.”

She smirked. “You think you’re cute, don’t you?”

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