The Summer King Bundle 3 Stories - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,167

know I don’t look it, but I’m fine.” I changed the subject once more. “Where’s Dixon?”

“Fabian has him. Carrying him around in the sling.”

I sort of wished I could see that.

“I know he loves you.”

“What?” I squeaked, my gaze shooting back to his.

“He spoke to Fabian before we got here. I don’t know exactly what he said, but Fabian knows his brother.” Tink lightly touched my arm. “He also told Fabian what he did.”

There could be several things that Caden might’ve told him.

“He ended his engagement.”

I closed my eyes. Why did it have to be that?

“I honestly thought that when I got here, I’d find you with him. So, color me surprised when he told us you were out in the courtyard by yourself.”

My eyes opened as my lips pursed. I couldn’t say that I was shocked that Caden knew exactly where I was.

“And here you are, acting like nothing’s going on when the motherfucking King of the Summer Court is in love with you.” He tapped my arm again. “I know you like him. You like him a lot, and you were hurt when he pushed you away.”

“Things have…they’ve changed. I’ve been through a lot,” I said, hating that I was using what’d happened to me as an excuse.

“Bri, you’ve been through a lot. But, girl, you’d already been through a lot. You’re a fighter. You’re a survivor,” he said, and my gaze lifted to his. “What you’ve gone through is terrible. But I don’t think it sucked out your ability to love and the ability to recognize the feeling. Or your common sense.”

“My common sense?”

“Yes. Your common sense seems to have taken a vacation,” he said, and my brows lifted. “You have the love and devotion of a King. Granted, he’s not human, but who in their right mind would swipe left on him?”

“That’s the problem, Tink. He’s the King.”

“So? That should fall under the pro category,” he reasoned.

I stared at him. “Do you know what will happen if he doesn’t choose a Queen from his people? I know you do. That’s why you got all quiet and weird after you saw him kiss me. That’s why you tried to get me to understand that he had reasons for pushing me away.”

“You’re right, but he still chose you. He chose you over his Court, over—”

“And you know what that means.” I couldn’t hear how he chose me. That wasn’t helping. “You know what will happen.”

“Is that why you’re saying things are different now?”

“Why else would I say it?” I admitted, shoulders slumping.

His gaze roamed over me, and his chest rose with a heavy breath. “You love him, right?”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“It’s the only thing that matters,” he responded. “Despite what and who he is, you still fell in love with him. Is that not true?”

I wanted to be able to say no, and maybe that would be the right thing to do. I needed to get better at saying it because perhaps then I’d believe it. But I couldn’t lie to Tink. “Yes,” I whispered. “But you can’t tell him that.”

He arched a brow. “You think he doesn’t already know?”

“It doesn’t matter what he knows or thinks. He needs a Queen, and the last thing he or I need is for someone to confirm how I feel.”

“You mean confirm what he already knows.” Tink looked out over the darkened courtyard while I debated punching him, but since I’d just told him he couldn’t punch Ivy, I couldn’t turn around and do it to him. “I know what could happen. Sure, the Court would weaken, and they’d be without a King, but that doesn’t mean fae will start dropping dead everywhere.” He sat back against the thick, cream-colored cushion. “It doesn’t mean that the King will become so weakened that he can’t defend himself. It doesn’t mean that you should both sacrifice what you deserve. Love is more important.”

“You really believe that? That Caden and I being together is more important than the survival of the fae? Of the human race and our—?” I cut myself off as my stomach dropped.

His eyes shot to mine. “And what?”


“Liar. What were you going to say?”

Shaking my head, I looked away. “It’s nothing, Tink.”

He was quiet for a moment. “What are you not telling me?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” I threw up my hands in frustration. Okay. Only he and Caden had said that, but whatever.

“Maybe because there’s obviously something you’re not sharing.” There was a pause. “I’m offended.”

“Are you now?”

“Yes. Copyright 2016 - 2024