Succubus Chained (Shackled Souls Trilogy #1) - Heather Long Page 0,66

weighed and measured me.

Maybe for a coffin.

Licking my lips, I pushed off the rock to face him. “Take a picture,” I told him with a hell of a lot more bravado than I was suddenly feeling. “It’ll last longer.”

Maddox growled and snarled, but he hadn’t worried me. Nor did Fin, who made me laugh and could be irreverent and playful. Rogue, for all his reserve, infuriated me more than terrified me.

This guy?

The fact that I was half-naked and considerably isolated and lacking any kind of weapon hit me like an avalanche of bricks.

At my statement, however, the corners of his mouth tipped upward. It was the only change in his expression.

“Fiona,” he said in a raspy voice. But it was more than just shaping his lips around my name, it was like he intoned all of me in those three simple syllables, and his gaze kept me pinned in spot like a butterfly on a board.

“Yep,” I said, warier. “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.”

He cocked his head.

One moment, he was over there, the next, he was in front of me.

Right in front of me.

I hadn’t blinked.



“Fiona,” he said again, then tilted his head and struck. I had zero time to react. One moment, he was looking at me, and the next, he sank his teeth into my throat, directly over the spot where Dimitri had bitten me.

I was pretty sure I screamed.

Or maybe I just froze.

But the brand of his bite rocked all the way down to my soul, and then the world shifted as he began to drink.


Hello, Alfred. Some distant part of my brain offered the introduction as my life pumped out of me, and all I could do was cling to him.

Really not nice to meet you…


Chapter 14

“Clip her wings if you dare. She will grow new ones.” - Unknown


The first whispers reached him when Fin came to see Rogue.

“She’s there, I know it’s her.” Always optimistic and profound in his faith.

“You can’t know it’s her.” Always the skeptic, warier and cautious.

“I do know,” Fin insisted. “She’s a succubus, or she was. Some idiot drained her while screwing her, and instead of letting her heal naturally, he panicked.”

Rogue’s sigh carried the weight of the ages. “He force fed her blood?”

“Far as I can tell. A lot of people don’t want to talk about it. Their prince has ordered silence. I got there an hour after they took her. She went right for him—the prince and the asshole.”

“Where’s the asshole now?”

Yes, he would like to know this, too.

“In the wind.” Frustration etched Fin’s words. “I’ll find him, or Maddox will. For now, we need to get to her. The prince sent her to Nightmare Penitentiary. He’s determined to cover this up before the American council learns about her. Hybrids are myths after all.”

A snort. “You want to go after her.”

Then silence.


“Maddox is on his way in. It took me time to track an access point. They’ve improved their spellkeepers on the gates. Not that much, but he’s on his way in. I’m going after him.”

“And you’re telling me because you want me to come…”

“Just back up. If you haven’t heard from us…”

The words faded as they argued. Rogue would go. He wouldn’t leave their brothers alone, not if they asked for him.

He drifted.

“Rogue…why the hell did you do that?” Maddox’s snarl ripped through his sleep.

“Because she stinks of shadow demon, and if you hadn’t noticed, he can already call her.”

“I was blocking him,” Fin argued.

“She’s not even through transition.” The disgust curling in Rogue’s tone roused him further. “We’ll need to drain her, repeatedly. Lance the shadow from her, break the addiction, then infuse her with our blood.”

“That will save her?” Hope crept into Maddox’s tone. A hope that hadn’t been present in so long, Alfred had forgotten the last time he heard it. He was one of the last of his kind. Maybe the very last.

They’d saved him from the hunters who came for him. He and Rogue had both protected the wounded beast and found a friend.

A brother.

“There are no guarantees, Maddox,” Rogue told him, and no one but Alfred would have heard the sympathy in his tone. “We’ll try.”

“What about Alfred?” Fin said. “We should wake him. She’s the one.”

“We don’t know she is,” Rogue reprimanded him. “Alfred will wake when he’s ready.”

Was he even truly asleep?

They seemed to have it in hand.

The slam of a rapid heart and screams of ecstasy ricocheted off the walls. A scent tickled at his nostrils.

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