Succubus Chained (Shackled Souls Trilogy #1) - Heather Long Page 0,34

his tone serene. He just did what? Oh, right. Gave me an order. “If you didn’t want her, you wouldn’t have gone into the prison in the first place. You wouldn’t have given them the chance to shackle you.”

“They can’t hold me.” Maddox glanced at me. “They wouldn’t be able to hold me, and I wouldn’t let them keep you. This is not something you need to concern yourself about.”

“Are you talking to me or to tall, blond, and tasty over there?”

Maddox opened his mouth to respond, then paused, a puzzled look sliding through his expression before he finally said, “His name is Rogue.”

“Yeah, I’m all caught up on that part, not that I care.” I slanted a look toward the god lounging in the water. “Not that I don’t appreciate the fact you got me off and fed me. Seriously enjoyed that. No lie.”

“You’re welcome. I take guesting seriously. You will not go hungry while you are here.” Well, that was almost sweet. “You will be here for a while.” That was not.

Eyes narrowed, I studied him. “Maddox and I had a deal.”

“Exactly,” Maddox stated, slinging an arm around me. Now, while I wasn’t opposed to the skin on skin contact, I also wasn’t interested in the distraction right now. “I gave her my word.”

“I didn’t,” Rogue stated, as though that ended the discussion.

“Fin,” Maddox snarled.

“Sorry, big guy,” Fin said without opening his eyes, and a smile curved his lips. “I’m on Rogue’s side in this. I didn’t give her my word either. I said we’d get her out. Which we did. I said we’d feed her, which Rogue has handled this evening.” Those beautiful brown eyes opened, and he latched his heated gaze onto me. “FYI, I’ll be helping out with the feeding, too. It will be easier on you if you just feed from all of us.”

Easier on me. Well that was mighty damn autocratic of him and probably had nothing to do with the want in his eyes.

“You know,” I drawled sliding away from the dragon. Dragon.

Fuck me.

Yeah, focus.

Rising from the steaming water, I moved toward the side.

“You should soak for a little while longer,” Fin suggested. “You’re still buzzing from feeding.”

And you’re fighting the bliss.

The fact that his words flashed against the inside of my mind had me turning. Searching for his access point, I focused on pushing him back out. He studied me with the most patient of puzzled frowns.

Harmonics I’d learned young danced through my mind. One perk of being well-fed, I was also well-armed.

A vampiric succubus. It was an oxymoron.

Elias was going to kill me.

“Who would Elias be?” Fin asked. The sudden resonance of three gazes slamming into me had me rolling my eyes. “Because you can forget him along with Dorran.”

Unimpressed, I chuckled. “Elias falls into the category of ‘none of your fucking business,’” I informed him. “And Dorran kept me alive.”

“Dorran is a the name the shadow demon gave you?” Unlike Fin’s playful tone or Maddox’s near constant growl, Rogue’s voice was more indolent, but power crackled in every syllable. This was not a being who tolerated being ignored.

What he was precisely, I hadn’t figured out yet.



Oh, and how had Fin put it? My mates.

I snorted. Folding my arms, I leaned against the side. The air above the water was much cooler, and goosebumps rippled over my skin and turned my nipples taut. It was a good reminder that I wasn’t here for sex and games.

You could be… Fin’s teasing remark stroked across my mind like a caress. Bad vampire. I slapped his mental fingers with a slam of shutting off his access. The harmonics kept witches out of my head. One perk to having known a witch singer, those same harmonics kept other magic users out, too.

He gave a little jerk of surprise, his lazy air dissipating as he stared at me with blown pupils. “That… How did you do that?”

“Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies,” I chastised him.

Maddox snarled, “Stop poking in her head. We’re supposed to be convincing her, not chasing her away.”

Well, that was useful knowledge.

“I was playing,” Fin argued. “Besides, she thinks I’m pretty. So suck it.”

The corner of my mouth kicked up as Maddox surged to his feet, his glare fixed on Fin. There was something really—the thought didn’t finish because the icy air around me sucked all the breath out of me. The bathing room was gone as were the sexy brutes about to argue over me.

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